Try   HackMD

31 July - 6 August 2023

This week I went on further studying research materials while also working on narrowing down my ideas.

Re-studied many research posts as well as videos from the PBS day/Modular Summit 2023 with particular focus on ePBS and PEPC:

Studied the following:

Read the following posts on

  1. MEV-burn:

  2. MEV-Share by Flashbots:

  3. SUAVE by Flashbots:

  4. SUAVE and PEPC by Barnabe:

Got familiar with the following data dashboards:

Important update: Initially I was looking to review PBS proposals, and work on MEV mitigation.
After having discussed with other research fellows (Ella, Nilu, Rachit) we agreed to team up and move to the topic of decentralized sequencer/prover models, prover incentives and reward modelling for zk-rollups.