Try   HackMD

4-10 Sep 2023

This week I have continued to dive deep into existing architectures and prover models.

  • Our mentor, Barnabé (from RIG) replied to our email. We'll have a call with him on the coming Tuesday, 12 Sep 2023.
  • We had a team meeting with Nilu and Rachit, discussing how to prioritize next steps and prepare for our meeting with Barnabé. We are focusing on:
  • I have also finalized my research notes on Linea and published it here:
  • Besides the above, and as our next milestone is approaching, we have also started shifting our focus to defining what makes an optimal prover selection model. Earlier we have created a comparison table including current zk-rollups, and now we have agreed on preparing a scoring table comparing prover selection approaches (such as proof racing, proof mining, stake-based, stake-based with reputation ratio, stake-based combined with reputation ratio and with prover bids, auctions for prover bids etc.) based on a set of key criteria for a healthy prover network (such as permissionlessness, decentralization, competition, liveness, eligibility for entry etc.) and visualizing it in a radar chart. This will help us in our path to draft and define how an optimal prover selection model would look like.
  • I am super-excited as we progress on our path going deeper and deeper into the amazing rabbithole of zk-provers. :)