# 1KV Case for Good Intention Evaluation Cases for Good Intentions will be evaluated by a rotating committee of Parity/W3f employees and assessed as objectively as possible based on some of the following criteria. ## Criteria ### Self Stake Amount Validators should have skin in the game in their operations in the form of stake that is self-bonded to their validator stash, ideally as close to the minimum amount as possible (5k DOTs). Examples: - How close validators are to 5k DOT / 10 KSM Minimum - This doesn't need to be in the main stash account at the time of evaluation, but validators may need to "prove" that they own the funds, and have the intention to move it to the stash. In this case, the amounts should be in the process of unbonding ### Previous Validator Experiences The more experience running validator nodes and other infrastructure on substrate based chains, the better. Examples: - How long validators have been in the Kusama 1KV Programme - How long validators have been on Kusama / Polkadot - Participated in previous testnets (POC-2, POC-3, POC-4, Alexander, Westend, etc) ### Ecosystem Contributions Validators will be assessed on their contributions to the ecosystem. These contributions and engagement in the community show strong support for the network and are factors by which validators often attract more nominators. Examples: - Contributions in the ecosystem: - Open-source software contributions relating to the ecosystem - Tutorials / Wiki Contributions / Educational content - Polkadot / Substrate codebase contributions, issues, or PRs - Ambassadors - Active in Community - Active Participation in on-chain and off-chain Governance ### Validator Setup Validators' infrastructure setups will be assessed based on how they plan to avoid slashing, how closely they follow recommendations, how well thought out their operational strategies are, and how much they contribute to decentralizing the network. Examples: - Strategies to avoid slashing - Strategies to avoid double signing - Plans to avoid downtime - Contributions to decentralization - Custom hardware / local datacenters - Underrepresented cloud providers - Underrepresented Regions - Monitoring / Observability practices - Machine Types and specs / OS / Software used - Security Policies - Key Handling - Firewalls / Proxies / Server hardening - Outline runbooks - On-call practices - Responding to alerts - Key rotation - Upgrading Client versions - Moving Servers - Restoring DB snapshots - Backing up DB snapshots - Disaster recovery ### Strategy for Attracting Nominators Validators should have a strategy for attracting nominations outside of the thousand validators programme. This should ultimately entail how they plan to be self-sufficient in the future. Examples: - Dedicated Validator Website - Dedicated communications channels (telegram, discord, matrix, etc) - Competitive commission - Claiming rewards in a timely manner