NICEST2 project final event - Day 3


What would be the benefits of open and accessible research data across disciplines and borders?

Discuss in groups and write down a few bullet points from your discussion and examples/use cases that would demonstrate the usefulness of open and accessible research data across disciplines and borders

Where do we stand now?

Discuss and write down examples showing how it is tackled in your community

What works and what does not work?

Discuss and write down what you think works well (and that we could reuse in other contexts), what needs to be improve and what you think failed and should not be tried again


What is hindering your day to day work today?

Would federated infrastructure for providing access to data and digital services be useful?

Discuss about the concept of federated infrastructure, what does it mean for your group, what could be the advantages, what are the disadvantages


What tools do we need for the mission adaptation to climate change?

Discuss about the mission adaptation to climate: what does it mean for you, etc. And then discuss about tools you use or tools scientists, etc. should use for fulfilling the mission adaptation to climate change


What do we mean by interoperability?

Discuss about the concept of interoperability for data, software, workflows, community, etc.

What does it mean in the context of FAIR and open data sharing?

Discuss about the needs for interoperability in the context of FAIR and open data sharing. How can this be achieved?

What do we want in terms of Governance?

Discuss about what we would like in terms of governance. Who should take ownership? Whos hould be involved, etc.


What skills and knowledge do we need for data sharing and management, for implementing FAIR principles, and for enabling cross-domain collaboration?

Discuss about training you know and training you need to be able to manage and share your data efficiently

Who should be trained?

Discuss about the different possible roles that would be needed to share and manage data efficiently and enable cross-domain collaboration

What are your expectations?

After all these discussions, summarize what you think would be useful to address in the upcoming call

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