# Galaxy Outreach Style Guide Based on Laila Los' presentation at GCC 23 as well as previous styles used by James and Anton. This guide is intended for infographics that will be used on Galaxy sites (in center carousel) and all other graphical materials such as tweets, flyers, etc. etc. :::warning This is a draft to be discussed at the next outreach meeting. ::: ## Colors Use the following colors only: ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1wCANjAp.png) Slide is [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qkhGFDkJr7et6KGNMCmqNZ0fGNXjcLg9ROlEpraiyMI/edit?usp=sharing). ## Fonts Three fonts only: Serif = **Palatino Linotype** Sans-Serif = **Myriad Pro** Fixed width = **Consolas** Fonts are [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7a9KfygumZFeEQwT0FFd1d4QVE?resourcekey=0-OSjkJdKLrtJrIAzYqf6HeQ&usp=sharing). ## Logos Use only official logos from [this](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BycJJtbagAMTfnBuUy1xZDhMbjc4Qk5yMElWaER2QXRsV2tkSHU0V0xHdmJ5RDdDaVRQRGs?resourcekey=0-Y7N_CKv7IW5Du4xXVk7yTg&usp=sharing) folder. ## Padding Text should have padding of 0.1 inch around it. We can adjust this, but some padding should always be present. ## Images Do not use images for decoration purposes - they must have a meaning. Here is an example of a website with a *meaningless* image: ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hyl_xBsCT.png) Such image conveys no information whatsoever. ## Applications Use simplest possible apps (easily accessible to anyone: e.g., not Adobe Suite or anything else that requires a license) for generation of images, drawings, and graphs such as Google Drawings for example. In some case paid applications cannot be avoided such as ScreenFlow tool for making screencasts. Save images at .svg because that are resolution free.