# Data science Co-working (with the Jean Golding Institute) ## Welcome :wave: Come and join the Jean Golding Institute community and dedicate two hours on Tuesday afternoon to your data science research. By working together, we hope we’ll hold each other accountable to really focus on our projects and get to know each other in the process. You are very welcome to join us, whatever type of task you may be working on. This may be doing some data analysis or working on a bigger piece of software, writing (whether a paper, documentation, your thesis, a grant), or something else. All career stages welcome. Join for as long as your schedule allows. Introduce yourself below (in introductions) to sign up, or just turn up on the day. ## When? ### Upcoming Dates > **9th June, 2pm - 4pm** > **16th June, 2pm - 4pm** > **23rd June, 2pm - 4pm** > **30th June, 2pm - 4pm** > **7th July, 2pm - 4pm** ### Schedule Our schedule will look something like: > **2.00pm - 2.15pm**: Say hi and set goals. > **2.15pm - 3.45pm**: Work on our own data science projects using the [pomodoro technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique). > **3.45pm - 4.00pm**: Break/chat ## How Join the meeting at this link (you don't need to download anything): https://bluejeans.com/791002631 ## Introductions/Sign-up Introduce yourself here under the date you plan on attending to let us know you're coming. ## June 16th - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Natalie Thurlby + MapHis: Digitising historical maps + :factory: :scroll: :computer: :open_book: + [@statalieT](https://twitter.com/StatalieT) - Nina Di Cara + Twitter data analysis + :bird: :bird: :computer: + [@ninadicara](https://twitter.com/ninadicara) - Gareth Jones + Brunel's Network + :ship: :passenger_ship: :steam_locomotive: ## June 23rd - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Natalie Thurlby + MapHis: Digitising historical maps + :factory: :scroll: :computer: :open_book: + [@statalieT](https://twitter.com/StatalieT) - Chris Edsall + Top500 Visualisation + :mount_fuji: :top: :computer: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :art: + [@hpcchris](https://twitter.com/hpcchris) - Nina Di Cara + Twitter data analysis + :bird: :bird: :computer: + [@ninadicara](https://twitter.com/ninadicara) - Gareth Jones + Brunel's Network + :ship: :passenger_ship: :steam_locomotive: - Matt Edwards + C++ textile simulation code development + :nerd_face: ## June 30th - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Natalie Thurlby + MapHis: Digitising historical maps + :factory: :scroll: :computer: :open_book: + [@statalieT](https://twitter.com/StatalieT) - Shibabrat Naik + ML in transition dynamics + :physics: :chaos: :rare events: + [@NaikShibabrat](https://twitter.com/NaikShibabrat) - Gareth Jones + Brunel's Network + :ship: :passenger_ship: :steam_locomotive: ## July 7th - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Natalie Thurlby + MapHis: Digitising historical maps + :factory: :scroll: :computer: :open_book: + [@statalieT](https://twitter.com/StatalieT) - Chris Edsall + Spatial analysis in R + :world_map: :bar_chart: + [@hpcchris](https://twitter.com/hpcchris) ## July 14th - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Nina Di Cara + Writing a presentation about our JGI seedcorn project + :seedling: :speech_balloon: + [@ninadicara](https://twitter.com/ninadicara) ## July 28th - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* + Your twitter handle (if you have one and want to share) - Chris Edsall + Adding RSE goodness to an Economics project + :heavy_dollar_sign: :computer: + [@hpcchris](https://twitter.com/hpcchris) - --- ## Archive ### May 19th Natalie and Leah coworked for the first meeting. ### May 26th Rob, Natalie and Katie talked about the MAPS project. ### June 2nd - *Name + What you're working on + An emoji (sentence) to represent it* - Natalie Thurlby + MapHis: Digitising historical maps + :factory: :scroll: :computer: :open_book: - Chris Edsall + HPC testing w/ Reframe HPC + :mag_right: :computer: :left_right_arrow: :computer: - Valerio Maggio + DL w/ PyTorch Lecture Notes + :robot_face: :egg: :chart_with_downwards_trend: :open_book: - Nina Di Cara + writing up covidresponsemap.wales project + :world_map: :writing_hand: Leah and Rob also attended. We worked, and chatted about mathpix and making gifs using matplotlib. ## June 9th - Natalie Thurlby + FSA Data competition + :canned_food: :green_salad: :hospital: :bar_chart: + [@statalieT](https://twitter.com/StatalieT) - Chris Edsall + [Cluster in the Cloud](https://cluster-in-the-cloud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) + :computer: :heavy_plus_sign: :computer: :arrow_heading_up: :cloud: + [@hpcchris](https://twitter.com/hpcchris) - Nina Di Cara + analysing data on social media use + :iphone: :grey_question: :page_facing_up: + [@ninadicara](https://twitter.com/ninadicara) Rob also attended. We chatted about the Black Lives Matter protests. *These meetings are heavily inspired by [The Turing Way](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way)'s [collaboration cafe's](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/projectmanagement/online-collaboration-cafe.md) and by Pam Locks [thesis-writing retreats](https://writingwithpam.wordpress.com/) :heartpulse:*.