# Structural Directive: A different perspective
In [Angular](https://angular.io), **Structural Directives** are directives that can alter the DOM layout by **dynamically** adding or removing elements.
Up until Angular 17, we are familiar with the common directives like `*ngIf` and `*ngFor`. However, these directives are replaced
by [built-in control flows](https://angular.dev/essentials/conditionals-and-loops#if-block), but structural directive concept
itself is [here-to-stay](https://github.com/angular/angular/discussions/50719). With that being said, this blog post aims to take your understanding
of Structural Directives to the next level and show how they are **more** than just control flows.
## Context
To understand the content of this blog post, some context is warranted.
First of all, I'm the maintainer of [angular-three](https://github.com/angular-threejs/angular-three), a [THREE.js](https://threejs.org) integration
for Angular. The example in this blog post is taken from a feature in `angular-three` that enables one of the most
important building blocks of THREE.js
Secondly, `angular-three` has gone through several iterations with different implementations:
- Wrappers with Components and Directives
- Proxied constructors with Directives.
- Custom Renderer.
At the moment, `angular-three` is a custom Renderer which allows me to own the Angular Template where the `angular-three`
renderer is in control.
Next, the blog post is indeed about Structural Directives but to get to the point, we'd need to make several round trips to know how Angular works under the hood. So,
stay with me, it'll be worth it 🤞
Last but not least, this blog post assumes some basic understanding of Angular in general, and specifically Structural Directives. If the summary
at the beginning of the blog post doesn't make you start envisioning some `<div *ngIf=""></div>` in your head, I'd highly recommend you checking out the
[official documentation](https://angular.dev/guide/directives#built-in-structural-directives) on the matter before continue on.
> Some basic understanding of [WebGL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API) or THREE.js would allow the example to stick with
> you easier but it is definitely not required.
## The important building blocks of THREE.js
THREE.js is an abstraction over WebGL and is mainly used to build 3D applications on the web. Here's a complete snippet of a simple [THREE.js application](https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/introduction/Creating-a-scene)
import * as THREE from "three";
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
camera.position.z = 5;
function animate() {
cube.rotation.x += 0.01;
cube.rotation.y += 0.01;
renderer.render(scene, camera);
Here, we can see there are a few building blocks that THREE.js needs to have:
- A `Scene`, a `Camera`, and a `Renderer`: these are used to actually render our Scene Graph in an animation loop.
- Objects that can go onto the `Scene`: in this case, it is a `Mesh` with a `BoxGeometry` and a `MeshBasicMaterial`
We will not dive too deep into THREE.js in this blog post but we need at least this basic understanding to digest the next sections. From the above
snippet, let's take a closer look at the following:
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
- Geometries in THREE.js accepts positional parameters. These parameters are sent to the GPU to build up the vertices that determine the shape of this object.
`new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1)` tells the GPU to build a cube with `[width: 1, height: 1, depth: 1]`.
- Materials in THREE.js accepts object paramters. These parameters are sent to the shader on every frame so they are safe to be dynamically updated anytime.
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
// is pretty much the same as
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
To make the next point better understood, it is reasonable to point out
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// is pretty much the same as
const cube = new THREE.Mesh();
cube.geometry = geometry;
cube.material = material;
So, those are the main THREE.js building blocks. Next, let's talk about `angular-three`
## How would this look like in Angular?
In `angular-three`, the `Scene`, `Camera`, and `Renderer` are taken care of by a single top-level component called `ngt-canvas`. The objects, on the other hand,
are the developers' responsibility (and that's where the fun is).
For the above THREE.js example, here's how it'd **partially** look like in `angular-three`
<ngt-box-geometry />
<!-- notice no construction arguments for now -->
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
<!-- notice no parameters for now -->
This translates into the following code in THREE.js:
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh();
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
mesh.geometry = geometry;
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
mesh.material = material;
We're close! The `BoxGeometry` and `MeshBasicMaterial` need some parameters though. Before we dive into that, let's take a side-track
and look at how Angular Renderer works roughly.
#### How does Angular Renderer work (roughly)?
[Angular Renderer](https://angular.dev/api/core/Renderer2) is responsible for understanding the elements that the developers put on the template.
Considering the following template and its compiled version
<app-child-cmp />
function AppComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, "div")(1, "span");
i0.ɵɵtext(2, "Child");
i0.ɵɵelement(3, "app-child-cmp");
From the compiled code, we see the [Template Instructions](https://youtu.be/jnp_ny4SOQE?t=1320) that Angular Core generates
do not have any knowledge that a `div` is a `HTMLDivElement`, a `span` is a `HTMLSpanElement`, and so on. That is the job
of the underlying platform's renderer.
By default, an Angular CLI application is bootstraped by `@angular/platform-browser` with `DefaultDomRenderer` being the default `Renderer2`. With this in mind,
the `elementStart` instruction will eventually invoke `Renderer.createElement()` method and this is the earliest point in time where a `HTMLDivElement` is instantiated.
With that out of the way, let's take a closer look at the first parameter of the compiled template function, `rf`. `rf` stands for [`RenderFlags`](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/main/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/definition.ts#L57), which has 2 values `Create` and `Update`.
Additionally, let's also add some bindings to our template.
<!-- 👇 attribute binding -->
<span data-dummy="chau">Child</span>
<!-- 👇 property binding -->
<app-child-cmp [foo]="text" />
function AppComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
// 👇 instruction changed
i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, "div")(1, "span", 0);
i0.ɵɵtext(2, "Child");
i0.ɵɵelement(3, "app-child-cmp", 0);
if (rf & 2) {
// 👇 new instruction
i0.ɵɵproperty("foo", ctx.text);
Woohoo, new code is generated. There are 2 changes here and the first change is subtle.
The first `elementStart` instruction is compounded with `(1, "span", 0)` instead of just `(1, "span")`.
Since we added an Attribute Binding to `span`, Angular will try to set that attribute on the `HTMLSpanElement` at the time that **the element is instantiated**, during the `Create` phase.
On the contrary, the newly generated `property` instruction, which is responsible for Property Binding, is not invoked until the `Update` phase of the template function. This is **when the Change Detection runs and updates the template's bindings** as common knowledge to many Angular developers.
If we connect this back to _When is an Input resolved in Angular component_, it actually makes more sense now, doesn't it?
So what is the take away here? The main take away that I want to point out is
**Angular creates the elements before Property Bindings has the chance to be set on the elements. And Attribute Bindings
only work with `string` values so they are limited.**
#### Apply what we know to `angular-three`
Let's bring back our `angular-three` template that creates a `Mesh`
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
As we learned above, `MeshBasicMaterial` parameters can be **safely** set after the material is created. Hence,
we can **safely** rely on Property Bindings to set parameters for `MeshBasicMaterial`.
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material [color]="materialColor" />
This translates roughly to the following THREE.js code
/* removed for brevity */
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
mesh.material = material;
// sometimes in the future
Now, this leaves us `new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1)` and this is the problem considering how THREE.js expects Geometries to behave
**How do we pass an expression (yes, it can be dynamic and cannot be a static `string` value) at the time that the element is created?**
In other words, what we want to achieve is to **defer the instantiation of `<ngt-box-geometry />` declaratively on the template**. Anything comes to mind?
Not yet...OK, let's rephase that a little differently this time. **How can we wait for some expression to be evaluated before we start rendering `<ngt-box-geometry />`**? _(keywords: wait, expression, evaluated, start rendering)_
Yes, this phasing reminds us of Structural Directives. These directives evaluate some expressions and then `createEmbeddedView` dynamically **afterwards**. At this point,
we know that we want to use Structural Directive to solve **the problem**, but how though?
> Whew, we are finally talking about Structural Directives. I truly hope I haven't bored you yet 🤞
## Structural Directive for Construction Arguments
To model passing in construction arguments to THREE.js entities, `angular-three` provides a directive called `NgtArgs` and it is used like this
<!-- new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1) -->
<ngt-box-geometry *args="[1, 1, 1]" />
<!-- new OrbitControls(camera, domElement) -->
<ngt-orbit-controls *args="[camera, domElement]" />
Why don't we re-build `NgtArgs` to see how it works?
selector: '[args]',
standalone: true
export class NgtArgs {
@Input() set args(args: any[]) {
// let's assume args is always valid for now
if (this.embeddedViewRef) {
// if args changes, we will need to reconstruct the THREE.js entities
// TODO: ??
this.embeddedViewRef = this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef);
private vcr = inject(ViewContainerRef);
private templateRef = inject(TemplateRef);
private embeddedViewRef?: EmbeddedViewRef;
<ngt-box-geometry *args="[1, 1, 1]" />
Notice that `TODO`? Yes, we are able to defer the rendering of `ngt-box-geometry` until we have `[1, 1, 1]` available in `NgtArgs` but we haven't
done anything with `[1, 1, 1]` yet. This brings up another problem: **How can we access this `args` in our element instantiation logic, aka the renderer?**
In order to understand the next part, let's look at a simplified version of `Renderer.createElement()`
// Our custom renderer
export class CustomRenderer implements Renderer2 {
createElement(name: string, namespace?: string | null | undefined) {
// name will be `ngt-box-geometry` when Angular tries rendering `ngt-box-geometry`
const threeTarget = getThreeTargetFromName(name); // this will return the actual BoxGeometry class from THREE.js
if (threeTarget) {
// 👇 we need to pass the args, [1, 1, 1], here
const node = new threeTarget(); // this is where we instantiate the BoxGeometry.
This is a very tricky problem because we can see that `createElement` **does not** give us a whole lot of information surrounding the element being created
beside its `name`. To solve this, we need to understand how Angular treats Structural Directive and the order the Angular Renderer runs against the Structural Directive
along with the dynamically created `EmbeddedViewRef`
#### Structural Directive and Comment node
Once again, here's our template with `*args` structural directive
<ngt-box-geometry *args="[1, 1, 1]" />
For folks that are not aware, `*args` is the [short-hand syntax](https://angular.dev/guide/directives/structural-directives#structural-directive-syntax-reference) for Structural Directive. The `*` syntax is expanded in to the following long form
<ng-template [args]="[1, 1, 1]">
<ngt-box-geometry />
Well well, what have we here? Remember how we `inject(TemplateRef)` in our `NgtArgs` directive? This long-form makes that makes sense. Our `NgtArgs` directive is attached on
an `ng-template` element making the instance of `TemplateRef` available to `NgtArgs` directive.
Next, let's check the compiled code
function AppComponent_ngt_box_geometry_0_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
i0.ɵɵelement(0, "ngt-box-geometry");
function AppComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
if (rf & 2) {
i0.ɵɵproperty("args", [1, 1, 1]);
Woohoo, new instruction! The `template` instruction is responsible for handling `ng-template`. Internally, Angular creates a [`Comment`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Comment)
in place of the `ng-template`. Additionally, Angular also creates an [`ElementInjector`](https://angular.dev/guide/di/hierarchical-dependency-injection#elementinjector) associated with the `Comment` node
**IF** there is at least one directive attached on the `ng-template`, and in our case, that directive is `NgtArgs`. This also means that
if we can get a hold of that `Comment` node, we _technically_ can access the `NgtArgs` directive instance that is attached on the `Comment`.
_An image goes here for Comment screenshot_
Another important point is Angular creates the `Comment` node first, then the `NgtArgs` directive will be instantiated with the `property`
instruction, in the `Update` phase. Now, how do we track the created `Comment`? Our Custom Renderer will do that.
#### Tracking the `Comment` nodes
To create a `Comment` node, Angular Core invokes `Renderer#createComment` method and since we're using a Custom Renderer, we are able to
intercept this call to track the created `Comment`. Here's the snipper of `createComment`
createComment(value: string) {
// 👇 the platform Renderer; in our case, this would be the default DomRenderer from `platform-browser`
return this.platformRenderer.createComment(value);
We can modify `createComment` like this:
createComment(value: string) {
const commentNode = this.platformRenderer.createComment(value);
// Do something with the commentNode
return commentNode;
#### Access the `Injector` on the `Comment`
Tracking the `Comment` alone will not be enough, we need the `Injector` which allows us to access the `NgtArgs` instance. Let's go back to `NgtArgs`
and add some code
selector: '[args]',
standalone: true
export class NgtArgs {
@Input() set args(args: any[]) {
// let's assume args is always valid for now
if (this.embeddedViewRef) {
// if args changes, we will need to reconstruct the THREE.js entities
this.embeddedViewRef = this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef);
private vcr = inject(ViewContainerRef);
private templateRef = inject(TemplateRef);
private embeddedViewRef?: EmbeddedViewRef;
constructor() {
// let's log the ViewContainerRef to see what we have on here (you can log other stuffs too)
_A screenshot of the ViewContainerRef on the directive_
And voila, we found our `Injector`. The `ViewContainerRef` also contains the `element` which is the `Comment` node that the Renderer created. Great!
> `ViewContainerRef` contains all the information we need but we can inject `ElementRef` and `Injector` explicitly.
So what do we know so far?
- The `Comment` will be created before the `NgtArgs` directive is instantiated, which means that `NgtArgs` constructor runs **after** the `Comment` is created
- `ViewContainerRef` contains the `Injector` along with the `Comment`.
Then what can we do?
- We can attach some arbitrary function on the `Comment` node
- We then get the instance of the `Comment` node using the `ViewContainerRef` and invoke this function. At this point, we can pass anything we want
to our Renderer.
> There are different approaches to do this but this is what Angular Three is doing at the moment.
Let's adjust `createComment` as well as `NgtArgs`
export class CustomRendererFactory implements RendererFactory2 {
private platformRendererFactory = inject(RendererFactory2, { skipSelf: true });
private comments: Injector[] = [];
createRenderer(hostElement: any, type: RendererType2 | null) {
const platformRenderer = this.platformRendererFactory.createRenderer(hostElement, type);
return new CustomRenderer(platformRenderer, this.comments);
export class CustomRenderer implements Renderer2 {
constructor(private platformRenderer: Renderer2, private comments: Injector[]) {}
createComment(value: string) {
const commentNode = this.platformRenderer.createComment(value);
// We attach a function that accepts an Injector and push that injector to our tracked array.
commentNode['__TRACK_FN__'] = (injector: Injector) => {
return commentNode;
selector: '[args]',
standalone: true
export class NgtArgs {
injectedArgs?: any[];
@Input() set args(args: any[]) {
// let's assume args is always valid for now
if (this.embeddedViewRef) {
// if args changes, we will need to reconstruct the THREE.js entities
// we also need to expose the "args" by assigning it to a public field
this.injectedArgs = args;
this.embeddedViewRef = this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef);
private vcr = inject(ViewContainerRef);
private templateRef = inject(TemplateRef);
private embeddedViewRef?: EmbeddedViewRef;
constructor() {
const commentNode = this.vcr.element.nativeElement;
* - Get the Comment
* - Invoke the function
* - Delete the function
if (commentNode['__TRACK_FN__']) {
delete commentNode['__TRACK_FN__'];
// This approach also allows us to ignore other directives like ngIf, ngFor etc... that we don't need to track
Alright, now we have the `Injector[]` that we're tracking, we can adjust `Renderer#createElement()` to make use of the `Injector`
export class CustomRenderer implements Renderer2 {
createElement(name: string, namespace?: string | null | undefined) {
// name will be `ngt-box-geometry` when Angular tries rendering `ngt-box-geometry`
const threeTarget = getThreeTargetFromName(name); // this will return the actual BoxGeometry class from THREE.js
if (threeTarget) {
let args: any[] = [];
// we'll loop over the `Injector` array and attempt to inject NgtArgs
for (const commentInjector of this.comments) {
const ngtArgs = commentInjector.get(NgtArgs, null);
if (!ngtArgs) continue;
const injectedArgs = ngtArgs.injectedArgs;
if (!injectedArgs) continue;
args = injectedArgs;
// break as soon as we find injectedArgs
const node = new threeTarget(...args); // this is where we instantiate the BoxGeometry.
That is how we inject data (or constructor arguments) to `createElement`, using Structural Directive.
> Angular Three implementation is a lot more involved with performance as well as validation. The implementation in this blog post is just
> to give the readers the idea of manipulating Structural Directives
## Conclusion
In this blog post, we've explored a niche, yet technical, use-case of using Structural Directive to **defer** (not `@defer` 😛) the instantiation
of some element on the template. We've learned that Structural Directives are much more than show and hide elements. Additionally, we've also learned
about different `RenderFlags` than Angular Core implements as well as some Template Instructions and their purposes. Last but not least, we've also learned
about `ng-template` and the `Comment` node along with all the surrounding technical details.
I hope I was able to provide a different perspective for Structural Directive, and an in-depth guide as to how Structural Directive works. After all, I hope
you were able to learn something new and have fun learning it. See y'all in the next blog post.