First of all - very excited to take part in this cohort. Goal is to learn as much as I can by working on a good advance project and build my way up.
The first step is to try find the project which I want to work on. So I went through the given project ideas and there were particulary 2 ideas that caught my interest -
I went ahead with the Ephemery testnet idea because it was something new to me and more cool.
ERC-4337 tooling support didnt seem that difficult to solve and big to work for months and I have seen some supports already built out so not that new. But its still a very good option!
Below are the readings I went through to get myself setup with the theory of Ephemery testnet.
Honestly some things while reading them did go over my head but its part of the process. I'll give it another go this week.
What makes me motivated to work on this is the concept and problem statement that Ephemery testnet solves -
This kind of testnet can provide an alternative environment for short-term testing of applications, validators and also breaking changes in client implementations. It avoids issues of long running testnets which suffer from state bloat, lack of testnet funds or consensus issues. Periodically resetting the network back to genesis cleans the validator set, returns funds back to faucets while keeping the network reasonably small for easy bootstraping.
Thanks to Mario for helping me onboard and suggesting some resources/methods to set up - goal is to work on them
Run a validator and make myself upto mark with all the theory
Bonus - See client implementation and work on them (pk910).
Thank you for reading this. Please comment any good reading resource you have related to above.