EPF Week 4 and 5

Gm everyone! I am working on writing and improving the tests for the Verkle Trees library for the Nimbus and Besu client.

Deep dived in tree.go, tree_test.go. Assigned myself this issue to write similar tests for nimbus verkle trie.

I assigned myself this issue to write tests for Pederson Commitments and Update Commitments in Java.

Will be mainly working on completing this for the coming week.

Weekly Meetings Update

Nimbus Client

Discussed weekly updates. Asked Mamy some questions from the constatine library, a constant-time crypto library in Nim. Setup the nim-eth-verkle repo with Danial and Zahary's help.

Besu Client

Had a great discussion with Karim from Besu and other people. Karim walked through some bits of the Bonsai codebase and how data is stored in it.