steering - hand-to-hand / push/pull - usually do this, less chance of injury from airbag - hand-over-hand - low speeds, parking, skidding - one-hand - when backing up & turning, or - when doing car things that need your other hand signal... - >=100ft before turn - before lane change - >=5s before changing lane on freeway - pull to/away from curb if you see a hazard ahead: - turn on flashers - tap brake 3-4x - use hand signals to slow & stop You may only drive for 200 feet in the center left turn lane You must use a turnout area or lane to let other vehicles pass when you are driving slowly on a two-lane road where passing is unsafe, and there are 5+ vehicles following you. You can drive in a bike lane <=200 feet from a right turn signal 100 feet before a turn. don't cut the corner (turn wheel too early) u-turn... - across double yellow - in residential district: - no vehicles approaching <=200 feet. - protection from approaching vehicles by traffic sign or light - green traffic light or green arrow - divided highway (if an opening is provided in the center divider) - NOT when you can't see >=200ft in both directions - NOT in a fire station driveway - in business district ONLY at an intersection or openings provided for turns when exiting a highway, signal for ~5s When crossing or entering traffic from a full stop, you need... - 1/2 block of space - highway: full block of space do not pass... - before a hill or curve - <=100ft of an intersection, bridge, tunnel, rairoad crossing, or other hazardous area - at crossroads or driveways pass on the left, unless... - 2+ lanes in your direction - the car ahead is turning left & you can stay on the road - on a one-way street parking on a hill... - downhill: towards curb - uphill: away from curb - no curb: roll away from road colored curbs: - white: pick up / drop off passengers - green: limited time - yellow: pick up / drop off passengers & freight - red: NO - blue: you best be disabled (or passenger) disabled placards can park over a time limit no park... - <=3ft of ramp - on (un)marked crosswalk - in tunnel or bridge - <=15ft of fire hydrant or fire station driveway - between safety zone & curb - on the wrong side of the street A vehicle that is stopped, parked, or left standing on a freeway for more than 4 hours may be removed. officer stops you... - right turn signal - move onto right shoulder - no phone, no radio - stay in car - roll down window - show your hands - show license, insurance, registration Traffic Light Not Working (Blackout) == “STOP” signs in all directions 5-sided sign: near a school diamond sign: warning (usually road conditions) Do not pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk If two vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road and neither vehicle can pass, the vehicle facing uphill has the right-of-way When people are boarding or exiting a bus, streetcar, or trolley without a safety zone, stop behind the vehicle’s nearest door or platform. Wait for the passengers to reach a safe place and then proceed. When a bus, streetcar, or trolley is stopped at a safety zone or intersection where traffic is controlled by a law enforcement officer or traffic light, you may pass at <=10mph Do not overtake and pass any light-rail vehicle or streetcar on the left side, whether it is moving or standing, unless: - You are on a one-way street. - The tracks are so close to the right side that you cannot pass on the right. - A traffic officer directs you to pass on the left. 4s following distance to motorcycles siren + red lights: - move to the right and stop - UNLESS in an intersection - illegal to follow <=300ft - drive to scene -> arrested Farm tractors, animal-drawn carts, and road maintenance vehicles usually travel 25 mph or less. When you cannot change lanes to pass a bicyclist, allow at least three feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist. - traffic violations in a work zone -> fine can be $1000+ - assaulting a highway worker -> $2000+ fine + imprisonment <=1y - Certain roads are chosen as “Safety Enhanced-Double Fine Zones.” This is due to increased collision-related injuries and fatalities. Fines are doubled in these zones. - 2x fines in highway construction or maintenance zones with workers - Drivers must move over and slow down for emergency and road work vehicles. These include: - Stationary emergency vehicles or tow trucks displaying flashing amber warning lights - Stopped DOT (Caltrans) vehicles displaying emergency flashing or amber warning lights - When approaching, move over a lane (if it is safe) or slow down A diamond-shaped sign on a truck means that the truck’s load may be dangerous (gas, explosives, etc.). Vehicles with these signs must stop before crossing railroad tracks. ### Speed limits California has a “Basic Speed Law.” This means that you may never drive faster than is safe for the road conditions. The **default maximum speed** limit is **55 mph** on a two-lane undivided highway and for vehicles towing trailers. The speed limit is **25 mph** when you drive within 500 to 1000 feet of a **school while children are outside** or crossing the street. If a red-light-flashing school bus is on the other side of a divided or multilane highway (two or more lanes in each direction), you do not need to stop. An intersection is considered blind if: - no stop signs - you cannot see the road for >=100 feet (in both directions) within 100 feet of the intersection If your view is blocked, move slowly forward until you can see. The **speed limit for a blind intersection is 15 mph**. An alley is any road no wider than 25 feet that is used to access the rear or side entrances of buildings or properties. The **speed** limit in any **alley** is **15 mph**. #### Railroad crossings The speed limit is 15 mph when you are within 100 feet of a railroad crossing and you cannot see the tracks for 400 feet in both directions. You may drive faster than 15 mph if the crossing is controlled by gates, a warning signal, or a flagman. Watch for vehicles that must stop before they cross train tracks (buses,and trucks transporting hazardous loads) Do not proceed over the railroad tracks until the red lights stop flashing, even if the gate rises. Don't go over 10mph when passing a stopped **bus, streetcar, or trolley** In Business or Residential Districts the speed limit is **25 mph** **Don't Smoke when a minor is in the vehicle. <=$100** fine don't Dump or abandon animals on a highway. This crime is punishable by a fine of up to $1000, 6 months in jail, or both. **One million years dungeon.** Don't Carry anything in or on a passenger vehicle which *extends beyond the fenders on the left side or more than six inches beyond the fenders on the right side*. Cargo that extends more than **four** feet from the back-rear bumper of the vehicle must display a 12-inch red or fluorescent orange square flag. At night, this cargo must be marked with two red lights. Don't Drive a vehicle equipped with a video monitor, if the monitor is visible to the driver and displays anything other than vehicle information, global mapping, external media player, or satellite radio information. **Do not hang objects on the mirror.** Don't wear a headset or earplugs **in both ears** Windshield and window stickers, etc. are allowed only in these locations: - A 7" square on either the lower corner of the passenger’s side windshield or the lower corner of the rear window. - A 5" square on the lower corner of the driver’s side window. - On the side windows behind the driver. - A 5" square located in the center uppermost portion of your windshield for an electronic toll payment device. #### headlights... - \>30m after sunset - <30m before sunrise - only low beams **<500ft** of an oncoming vehicle or **<300ft** of an ahead vehicle - on small country & mountain roads & tunnels - to be visible to other cars, like sunset/sunrise It is a misdemeanor to use a motor vehicle to flee or attempt to evade law enforcement performing their duties. This is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for 1 year or less. A person convicted of causing serious bodily injury during the course of a law enforcement pursuit is subject to: - Imprisonment in a state prison for up to 7 years, or a county jail for 1 year or less. - $2-10k fine - Both a fine and imprisonment. A person convicted of manslaughter resulting from evading law enforcement during a pursuit is subject to imprisonment in a state prison for a minimum of 4 to 10 years. Traffic convictions and collisions stay on your record for **36 months (or longer, depending on the type of conviction)**. Your license may be suspended when your driver’s record shows one of the following point totals: - 4 points in 12 months. - 6 points in 24 months. - 8 points in 36 months. When the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point, such as a sign, count 3s. If you pass the same point before you finish counting, you are following too closely. Motorcycle is 2s When it is raining at night (or foggy), use your low-beam headlights. When a vehicle with one light drives toward you, drive as far to the right as possible. It could be a bicyclist, motorcyclist, or vehicle with a missing headlight. - Wet road: Go 5 to 10 mph slower. - Packed snow: Reduce your speed by half. - Ice: Slow to a crawl. If it starts to rain on a hot day/if it has been dry, the pavement can be very slippery for the first several minutes. In a heavy rainstorm or snowstorm, you may not be able to see more than 100 feet in front of your vehicle. If you cannot see farther than 100 feet, it is not safe to drive faster than 30 mph. hydroplaning: - \>50mph in heavy rain - slow down slowly, don't brake windy: - slow down - don't use cruise control fog / smoke - low beams - need more than parking/fog lights - pull over with flashers, if necessary only pass if curve is >1/3mile away #### traffic break the officer turns on their rear emergency lights and slowly weaves across lanes. - turn on flashers - slow down slowly - don't pass the officer childrens - <2yo: rear-facing - <8yo: rear set (unless that isn't an option) sit +10" from airbag don't leave <6yo unattended in car (unless with 12+yo) #### skids: - slippery surface - slowly remove foot from gas - don't brake - turn towards the skid - to dry brakes, press both pedals at once - locked wheel skid - remove foot from brake - straighten wheels - if no ABS: gradually step on brake, pump if it's on the floor, downshift, use ebrake - Driving off the pavement 1. Grip the steering wheel firmly. 2. Remove your foot from the gas pedal/accelerator. 3. Brake gently. 4. Check for traffic behind you. 5. Carefully steer back onto the pavement. - Accelerator stuck 1. Shift to neutral. 2. Applythebrakes. 3. Keep your eyes on the road. 4. Look for a way out of traffic. 5. Honk your horn and turn on your emergency flashers to warn other drivers. 6. Try to drive the car safely off the road. 7. Stop and turn off the ignition. #### collision: - you must stop - move out of traffic, if no one is hurt - call 911 - share ID, etc with other drive, officer - you must make a report within 24 hours if anyone is injured - you must report to the DMV <10days if >$1k of damage, any injuries - if you can't find the other owner, leave a note & report it - if you hurt an animal, call humane society or law enforcement. don't move it. don't leave it to die. - no insurance, license suspended <=4y disabled car on train tracks - train coming? exit, run 45° angle away from tracks towards the train, dial 911. might be only 20s - no train approaching? exit, dial ENS # on posts or control box, call 911 if you refuse blood/pee test -> revoke license alcohol/weed containers must be full, sealed, unopened (or in trunk) + there must be someone >21yo BAC <0.08% (>21 & not on DUI probation) or <0.01% - commercial or hired drivers <0.04% - DUI if over level, or if officer thinks you're impaired - The law enforcement officer may take your driver’s license and give you a temporary driver’s license for 30 days. - You may request a DMV administrative hearing within 10 days - You may be sentenced to up to 6 months in jail. - You may have to pay a fine between $390–$1000. - Law enforcement may impound your vehicle and you may have to pay a storage fee. - If you cause serious injury or death while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you may face civil lawsuits. - DUI convictions remain on your driver’s record for 10 years. buy car -> transfer ownership <=10d sell car -> tell DMV <=5d <20d to register car after CA resident if not covered by insurance: - \>=$15k for single injury - \>=$30k for multiple injuries - \>=$5k for property damage