Crypto-economic protocol to have better public communication tools
Any open public communication forum created by an individual is always spammed by people. E-mail service is the most abused. It forces people whose time is valuable to not check their inbox because it has a million emails with only a handful of them as useful to the individual. This spoils things for people who want to reach this individual for geneuine purposes and totally spoils the purpose of having an email account.
We want to make these public communication tools spam resistant and using economics bubble up things that matter to the individual
- Reduce spam
- Ability to priortise emails by urgency
- Ability to buy attention of important people
- Creating personal economies
- Allow people to "earn" money by replying to emails
How it works
- Sender(Alice) and Reciever(Vitalik) both have created a hashcash2.0 account.
- Alice buys $VBUTERIN from uniswap and sends an email to vitalik with
$VBUTERIN tokens attached to it.
- As soon as the email hits vitalik it starts a reverse stream sending Alice her precious $VBUTERIN back at a predefined rate
defined by the amount and the duration of stream.
- As the email sits on the inbox it keeps on losing $VBUTERIN, this forces the receiver to respond to emails as soon as possible.
- Now if this is amongst the top emails by value that Vitalik has he will see this email on the top and then if the email is spammy he can burn the amount remaining in the email, or he can choose to refund the amount, or he can choose a ratio between both.
- If the email was spam the burnt amount will decrease the total supply thus increasing the value of remaining $VBUTERIN i.e rewarding all token holders.
- As $VBUTERIN gets used more and more, the token holders are rewarded.
NOTE: If you dont want to develop a personal economy just use any other token, that would boil the system down to like vitalik suggested here with a curve
This is actually pretty similar to how a blockchain works
Users send transactions(EMAILS) which go to mempool(INBOX) and then miner(Vitalik) picks the most important ones based on who has the highest tx fees($VBUTERIN)
Usecase for HashMail
- VC's for receiving pitch decks
- People who get a lot of emails. For eg: those who use superhuman email client
- Hiring process
- General people to reduce spam and to never miss an important email
Systems we want to add HashCash2.0 to
- E-Mail (to order emails in your inbox and reduce spam)
- Calendar (to reduce absentees and prioritise meeting slots)
- Event creation and registration (to reduce absentees and incentivse people coming early)
Another example
For the sake of explanation the user here is Bob - the builder and the receiver is Elon Musk
- Bob wakes up one morning with a new idea to reduce traffic in cities and wants to propose this to Elon Musk
- But Elon Musk is a busy person, how to ensure his message reaches Elon's eyes?
- Bob writes an email, attaches 5$ worth $HashCash to it and sends the email
- As soon as he hits send a reverse stream of HashCash starts which sends him 0.1HashCash per hour back.
- Elon Musk has his morning coffee and opens his email only to notice a shit ton of email from people about various things: existing projects, new intros, pitch decks etc. However he when he goes to his HashCash inbox he notices on top of his inbox 5 emails with HashCash attached to it.
- Elon sorts from high to low and starts reading those 5 emails, one of which was Bobs.
- As soon as he is done reading he hits done on Bob's email which burns/donates the remaining HashCash which was about 2$ by now.
By the end of this episode Bob has received 3$ back and got attention from Elon Musk for his email. Next day he hears about a press conference where Elon announces "The BORING Company"
Proof of Urgency
Below are some tweets from people that clearly show that something is needed to be done in this area. These are really really recent tweets.
HashMail implementation (WIP)
We started working on a prototype for Email client using HashCash2.0 and it can be found here
We are planning to release the implementation soon! Stay tuned
How to reach out to us?
Feel free to tag any of us @vaibhavchellani, @kautukkundan and @vanshkapoor on twitter.
Join us on telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/HObf_xkKLdfnHSwk5FaDbg
Open Questions
- This will create a deflating currency, what should be the rules to mint and who should get the newly inflated tokens?