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Electra leftovers and action items
Desirable for Pectra as then PeerDAS rollout will not require an EL change
Adding target to the EL block header doesn't make much sense without changing the fee market as the existing fee calculation would work only if TARGET = MAX / 2
Ansgar and Gajinder to come up with the fee market proposal till the end of the next week. The final decision to be made on the next ACDC (Nov 28); ship without 7742 if there is no concensus around the proposed change on the ACDC
Updating TARGET/MAX to 4/6 by bumping the parameters is also considered
One of the concerns is that it will delay Pectra
Another concern is related to syncing the chain under non-finality
Non-finality devnets to run with TARGET/MAX = 5/10 or even more aggressive numbers