Electra leftovers and action items

  • EIP-7742
    • Desirable for Pectra as then PeerDAS rollout will not require an EL change
    • Adding target to the EL block header doesn't make much sense without changing the fee market as the existing fee calculation would work only if TARGET = MAX / 2
    • Ansgar and Gajinder to come up with the fee market proposal till the end of the next week. The final decision to be made on the next ACDC (Nov 28); ship without 7742 if there is no concensus around the proposed change on the ACDC
  • Updating TARGET/MAX to 4/6 by bumping the parameters is also considered
    • One of the concerns is that it will delay Pectra
    • Another concern is related to syncing the chain under non-finality
      • Non-finality devnets to run with TARGET/MAX = 5/10 or even more aggressive numbers
  • CL devs to review and approve https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/3998
    • Let's merge!
    • Etan to update block_hash computation to align CL tests with this change
  • Take a look at https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/3885
    • Review, approve, merge
  • Finish and merge https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/4002
  • Also discussed LC changes that aren't related to the core protocol and can be done regardless of Pectra
  • Deposit stress test (with new validator deposits) on devnet-5
  • Devnet 5 after EIP-7742 settles down