The purpose of this document is to frame the design space of the Consensus API. It starts with the minimally required set of methods and gradually increases the complexity of the design by adding asynchrony, consistency checkpoints and some methods that might increase UX and aid for faster recovery after failures but are not required for the core functionality.
The end goal is to come up with the solution that would not restrict future extensibility of the protocol and on the other hand would re-use as much of the existing JSON-RPC implementation over HTTP and websockets that we already have across clients.
The security of this API is critical, thus we propose that implementations expose this API at an independent port from standard JSON-RPC user API and to put the new set of methods into a new namespace. With this progressive idea in mind we prefix engine_
as the namespace as a working prototype to be able to generalize API between L1 and L2 in the future, though, the name is debatable and doesn't matter that much at this stage.
Previous work:
We re-use the encoding notation from the existing user's JSON-RPC. For example, ExecutionPayload
and PowBlock
objects should be encoded as a JSON object with particular fields serialized according to the JSON-RPC notation, method parameters should be passed as JSON array or object depending on the particular case.
Encoding of exact message parameters and payloads is out of the scope of this document and should be defined later when we move towards the standard of the consensus API.
. Selects transactions from the mempool and produces a block on top of the given oneengine_preparePayload
and engine_getPayload
couple of messagesengine_preparePayload
. Notifies an execution client that the consensus client will need to propose a block at some point in the future and that the payload will be requested by the corresponding engine_getPayload
near to that point in time. This call also supplies an execution client with inputs required to produce a payload e.g. random
call that is required to be responded immediately with the most up-to-date version of the payload that is available by the time of the get call.engine_getPayload
call happens e.g. 10ms after the prepare one which could be the case.SECONDS_PER_SLOT
seconds have passed since the timestamp
specified in the call. This suggestion is made to protect execution client from wasting resources in the edge case when related engine_getPayload
call never happens. If the corresponding engine_getPayload
call happens after the cancellation it should be responded with error.engine_getPayload
call will likely happen very close to the timestamp
. Execution client may use this information to choose the strategy of building a payload.engine_preparePayload
and engine_getPayload
related to each other are identified by the payload_id
parameter. Consensus client implementations are free to use whatever value of the identifier they find reasonable.
parent_hash: Hash32
, timestamp: uint64
, random: Bytes32
, fee_recipient: Bytes20
, payload_id: uint64
. Given payload_id
returns the most recent version of an execution payload that is available by the time of the call or responds with an error.engine_preparePayload
call with the corresponding payload_id
or the process of building a payload has been cancelled due to the timeout then execution client must respond with error message.payload_id
value after serving this call.
payload_id: uint64
object or errorengine_executePayload
. Verifies the payload according to the execution environment rule set (EIP-3675) and returns the status of the verification
objectblock_hash: Hash32
, status: Enum [VALID | INVALID | KNOWN]
, engine_payloadCommitted
). Communicates that full consensus validation of an execution payload is complete along with its corresponding status
block_hash: Hash32
, status: Enum [VALID | INVALID]
, and must be discarded otherwisePOS_CONSENSUS_VALIDATED
. Propagates the change in the fork choice to the execution client
head_block_hash: Hash32
, finalized_block_hash: Hash32
, confirmed_block_hash: Hash32
and finalized_block
must be accepted as valid blocks with respect to the consensus rules disregarding whether the corresponding engine_consensusValidated
message has been already received or notsetHead
and finalizeBlock
. There is a possible corner case when two recent finalizeBlock
and setHead
messages may refer to two different forks causing temporal discrepancy in the block tree, thus, the fork choice update should be applied atomically, hence the unification of these two messages.POS_FORKCHOICE_UPDATED
event, #3784finalized_block_hash
must be stubbed with all zeros before the first execution block is getting finalized. It doesn't require any additional work on consensus clients as the Merge fork should happen in about a month before the transition and starting from that moment til the transition block proposal every beacon block will contain zeroed execution_payalod
with block.body.execution_payload.block_hash
set to zeros which satisfies the requirement of the finalized_block_hash
stubbed with zeros.confirmed_block_hash
is needed to serve Ethereum JSON-RPC requests with the new set of block identifiers:
Points to the genesis blockfinalized
Points to the most recent finalized blocksafe
/ confirmed
Points to the most recent confirmed block, i.e. the most recent block in the canonical chain that has been attested by >= 2/3
portion of total stake eligible for votingunsafe
block to turn into a safe
Becomes an alias to safe
. The rationale behind this change is to make latest
provide at least the same guarantee that it currently has in the PoW network. Currently latest
points to the block that is acceptable by the network from the consensus perspective which in the PoS network becomes the case only when the block has received at least 2/3
votes is very likely to stay in the canonical chain and get finalized eventually. It means that safe
(and latest
as an alias) will be giving more strong guarantee to the applications in the PoS chain as it's very unlikely that this block gets re-orged.unsafe
/ unconfirmed
The head of the canonical chain despite the number of received attestations.pending
Pending block built on top of the unsafe
one.Sequence diagrams of processing a valid block containing valid execution payload are outlined below.
Sequence diagram of a block proposal with respect to the block processing flow is outlined below:
The case when the head is changed during the process of building a payload:
*P – parent, C – child
For the next two message see the rationale and more details in #2547.
. Propagates an override of the TERMINAL_TOTAL_DIFFICULTY
(EIP-3675) to the execution client
terminal_total_difficulty: uint256
must be set as terminal_total_difficulty
and take an effect according to the rules stated in EIP-3675transition
. Propagates the hash of the terminal PoW block. This takes precedence over the TERMINAL_TOTAL_DIFFICULTY
rules. Not in the specification yet
block_hash: Hash32
. Given the hash returns the information of the PoW block
block_hash: Hash32
object or nothingeth_getBlockByHash
, misses network lookup which might be critical for the transitiontransition
Note: methods and parameters that are scoped as transition
throughout the doc are only required by the Merge transition process and will be deprecated after the Merge. They also do not make sense for tests and testnets starting in a PoS mode (i.e. in after the Merge network state) and planned to be stubbed in these cases.
. Propagates the header of the payload obtained from the state at the weak subjectivity checkpoint.
. An execution client responds with this status to any request of the consensus layer while sync is being in progress. An execution client may send this message to signal the end of the sync process.
, block_hash: Hash32
, block_number: uint64
, any other meaningful information. These params may have different meaning depending on the sync modeengine_switchToPos
. Propagates the status of the network if it's been already switched to PoS (i.e. the Merge has happened)engine_syncCheckpointSet
. Sends information on the state of the client to the execution side.
transition_total_difficulty: uint256
, terminal_pow_block_hash: Hash32
, scope: transition
finalized_block_hash: Hash32
, confirmed_block_hash: Hash32
, head_block_hash: Hash32
. Responnds with information on the state of the execution client to either engine_consensusStatus
or any other call if consistency failure has occurred.
finalized_block_hash: Hash32
, confirmed_block_hash: Hash32
, head_block_hash: Hash32
Some messages can be heavy in terms of processing due to computations and network delays, for instance, , engine_assemblePayload
, engine_getPowBlock
, resulting in a high variability in response time. Thus, we might want to have asynchrony out of the box and websockets as an underlying communication protocol should fit our needs.
It might be the case when an execution client needs information from the consensus counter party e.g. during the sync process and becomes an initiator of a message roundtrip. In this case bi-directional property of an underlying communication protocol will be required. The websockets protocol should fit us well here too.
Currently, this document and EIP-3675 assumes that the message (or PoS event as per the EIP) delivery flow from the consensus to the execution layer maintains weak ordering.
For instance, the following message sequence is currently permitted:
Currently, it is also not specified what to do if the engine_forkChoiceUpdated(head: B.payload.hash)
has been delivered earlier than the payload it has a reference to. This document proposes to fall back to the consistency check with further recovery procedure in such a case. Which would mean that the order of some messages matter.
This section proposes to require maintaining of more strict ordering model for ingress messages pipeline of execution clients. Namely, require causal ordering to be maintained by consensus clients in the egress message pipeline and rely on the message ordering guarantee provided by TCP protocol (messages are delivered in the same order as they were sent within a TCP session, HTTP protocol doesn't always use the same TCP session for different requests).
No additional requirement to the execution client is proposed by this section. It may not follow the order that is maintained by the ingress message pipeline while processing these messages. But, if an execution client would do this it would guarantee causal consistency in a normal operating mode. The latter means that no consistency checks or such a mechanism would be required between periods of outage. Also, depending on its architecture, an execution client might want to follow this order and might even require this ordering model to be followed by its ingress message pipeline.
It order to maintain causal ordering consensus clients will have to adhere the following set of rules:
engine_forkchoiceUpdated(head: B.payload.hash)
should be dropped out of this sequence.engine_forkchoiceUpdated
message referencing a payload must be sent after the payload gets fully validated, specifically:
and engine_consensusValidated
calls must respect the parent -> child relation, specifically:
call must be made only if its parameter set matches the set of the most recent engine_preparePayload
call, specifically:
messages. It means that engine_forkchoiceUpdated
messages must be sent respecting the order of their occurrence in the system, specifically:
If ingress message order doesn't follow the above rule set then the execution client should notify the consensus side about consistency failure and fall back to the recovery procedure as proposed by the Consistency checks section.
Consensus and execution counterparties maintain their own states which in a normal case must be consistent with each other. This state consists of but may not be limited to the following items:
and terminal_pow_block_hash
, maybe anything else (TBD). Transition state consistency between counterparties is critical for the transition process of a single node and overall network.engine_switchToPos
for details. This item is not critical for the operation of the node but should improve UX, especially during bootstrap of a fresh node.The suggestion is to add a concept of consistency checks into the design of the API. It could be implemented as follows.
Consensus client sends engine_consensusStatus
message to the execution client upon start up to request a consistency check. If the execution client was out and just started up it should respond with the corresponding engine_executionStatus
to the first message received from the consensus client to request the check. The other case for an execution client to initiate the check would be discovering an inconsistency between block trees, i.e. receiving any message that is referencing to unknown parent, head or finalized block. Each party should respond with the corresponding status message upon receiving such a request, and then proceed either with the recovery process or a normal operating mode.
Suggested data for status messages:
transition_total_difficulty: uint256
, scope: transition
terminal_pow_block_hash: Hash32
, scope: transition
finalized_block_hash: Hash32
confirmed_block_hash: Hash32
head_block_hash: Hash32
finalized_block_hash: Hash32
confirmed_block_hash: Hash32
head_block_hash: Hash32
The recovery process may look as follows:
message.Sequence diagrams illustrating different cases and parts of consistency check flow are outlined below.
In order to properly handle a pair of engine_executePayload
and engine_consensusValidated
messages, the execution client needs a kind of cache that would keep execution payload in the temporal store until it must be persisted or discarded upon receiving engine_consensusValidated
In general, executing the payload is a heavier operation than validating the consensus block but it would be great to leave an opportunity for the consensus client to process beacon block and execution payload in parallel which requires the execution client to match information on the consensus and execution validity.
One of the potential approaches to better resource utilization is sharing the execution client between multiple consensus clients, especially for large infrastructures. Designing the API we might want to look into this direction.
A single execution client listening to multiple consensus clients might lead to undesired switches between different fork choice states received from multiple sources. In order to avoid this it might be an option for consensus clients to disable engine_forkchoiceUpdated
messages. With this option a single consensus client may become a source of the fork choice state updates for the execution client to prevent possible adverse effects.
Support of concurrent block building is also increases the level of implementation complexity. Client may support multiple payload building processes in parallel but that would require an access to multiple versions of the mempool if these processes are building payloads on top of different parents. The protocol could provide a support of this feature as engine_getPayload
has the parameter set that could identify the building process that the payload should be returned from.