--- tags: Tutorials --- # ReShade 4 Tutorial: How to use sub-folders </br> *by munchyfly* ( [Nexus](https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5320603) | [Carrd](https://munchyfly.carrd.co/) ) </br> In the newest version of ReShade (4.6.0 at the time this was written), you can download several extra shaders from other authors. These all come in their own little folder, inside the *reshade-shaders* folder. I've been organizing my ReShade installation. I have one too many shaders installed and it was a hassle to find out which ones to keep and which ones to delete if I needed to. This tutorial will show you how to better organize your *reshade-shaders* folder. </br> ------ </br> :::info You can use any name for any folder. ::: :::info My ReShade configuration is set up differently than what I outline here. ::: :::danger Should you decide to delete any of the folders, remember to also remove them from your *ReShade.ini*. ::: :::info I've made a visual guide [HERE](https://i.imgur.com/cCuhAp2.gifv), should you need it. ::: :::info For the purpose of this tutorial, I'm going to use [TheGordinhos MultyLUTs](https://github.com/TheGordinho/MultyLut): a collection of several LUTs for you to use. ::: :::info You can also use sub-folders for better Preset management. I've included the tutorial here as well. ::: </br> ------ </br> ## For Shaders **1)** Download the shaders. **2)** Extract them into a new folder for now. **3)** Inside the *shaders* folder, make a new folder called *TheGordinho.* **4)** Move all of the files inside *shaders* into the new folder you just created here. **5)** Inside the *textures* folder, make a new folder called *TheGordinho*. **6)** Move all of the files inside *textures* into the new folder you just created here. **7)** Move both *shaders* and *textures* into your *reshade-shaders* folder. **8)** Open up *ReShade.ini* **9)** Go to the line that says *EffectSearchPaths* **10)** At the end of the line, type in the following: ``` ,.\reshade-shaders\Shaders\TheGordinho ``` **11)** Go to the line that says *TextureSearchPaths* **12)** At the end of the line, type in the following: ``` ,.\reshade-shaders\Textures\TheGordinho ``` **13)** Save the file. **14)** Your all set! ReShade should now recognize these folders and load everything normally. </br> ------ </br> ## For Presets **1)** Make a folder called *Presets* wherever you want. For the purpose of this tutorial, it should be together with your ReShade installation. **2)** Download the preset(s) you want. If you have any existing presets, you can move them to the new folder. **3)** Open up *ReShade.ini*. **4)** Go to where it says *CurrentPresetPath*. **5)** Type in the location of any of the presets you want. Ex.: `[game location]\presets\NoEffects.ini.` **6)** If you want to further organize your stuff, you can make more sub-folders and ReShade will automatically recognize them, in this case.