31st July Report


Time: 08:55
Event: Entering the lab

Modify Home page for Future Mission

Time: 15:27

  • The upper part for title and profile picture now no longer scrollable so when the content was overflowed the upper part will not get scrolled instead stay still.

  • Using ion-header for upper part and ion-content for body part, ion-header has its own pre-defined library which make the upper part stay still on the above.

  • In home.page.html

    ​​​​<ion-app> ​​​​ <ion-header padding> ​​​​ <ion-item class="ion-item--no-background title" lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label>{{fragmentTitle}}</ion-label> ​​​​ <ion-avatar slot="end"> ​​​​ <img src="https://gravatar.com/avatar/dba6bae8c566f9d4041fb9cd9ada7741?d=identicon&f=y"> ​​​​ </ion-avatar> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ </ion-header> ​​​​ <ion-content padding scroll-y="false"> ​​​​ <ion-slides [options]="slideOpts" #slides (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanges()"> ​​​​ <!-- DONE SLIDE --> ​​​​ <ion-slide> ​​​​ <ion-content> ​​​​ <ion-list class="ion-list--no-background" *ngFor="let missionDay of doneMissionList"> ​​​​ <ion-item class="ion-item--no-background" lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label> ​​​​ <h2 class="subtitle">{{missionDay.DayString.toUpperCase()}}</h2> ​​​​ <span class="subtitle--date">{{missionDay.DateString.toUpperCase()}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ <ion-card class="card-done" *ngFor="let missionItem of missionDay.Data"> ​​​​ <ion-item lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--title"> ​​​​ <span>{{missionItem.ClientName}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--title-time"> ​​​​ <span>{{missionItem.MissionTimeOnlyHour}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ <ion-item lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--address"> ​​​​ <span>{{missionItem.ClientAddress}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ </ion-card> ​​​​ </ion-list> ​​​​ <br> ​​​​ </ion-content> ​​​​ </ion-slide> ​​​​ <!-- TODAY SLIDE --> ​​​​ <ion-slide> ​​​​ <ion-content> ​​​​ <ion-list class="ion-list--no-background"> ​​​​ <ion-item class="ion-item--no-background" lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label> ​​​​ <h2 class="subtitle">TODAY</h2> ​​​​ <span class="subtitle--date">{{todayMissionList.Date}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ <ion-card class="card-today" (click)="openDetail(item.MissionNumber)" tappable *ngFor="let item of todayMissionList.Data"> ​​​​ <ion-item lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--title"> ​​​​ <span>{{item.ClientName}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--title-time"> ​​​​ <span>{{item.MissionTimeOnlyHour}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ <ion-item lines="none"> ​​​​ <ion-label class="card--address"> ​​​​ <span>{{item.ClientAddress}}</span> ​​​​ </ion-label> ​​​​ </ion-item> ​​​​ </ion-card> ​​​​ </ion-list> ​​​​ </ion-content> ​​​​ </ion-slide> ​​​​ </ion-slides> ​​​​ </ion-content> ​​​​</ion-app>
    • From code above we can see on ion-header which it contains the title on ion-label with value {{fragmentTitle}}.
    • Fragment Title, or {{fragmentTitle}}, is a variable in back end code that content string value of title and can be changes when the fragment being changed, example from Today Mission to Future Mission and vice versa.
    • Put the title and the avatar, on ion-avatar, into header so these will be the upper part which cannot be scroll when the body overflowed.
    • The result when body being scrolled:
    Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
    • The image file may be corrupted
    • The server hosting the image is unavailable
    • The image path is incorrect
    • The image format is not supported
    Learn More β†’

  • To accompany the front end design, in home.page.scss

    ​​​​:root { ​​​​ --ion-safe-area-top: 20px; ​​​​ --ion-safe-area-bottom: 22px; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-header { ​​​​ background-color: #ededed; ​​​​ height: auto; ​​​​ padding-bottom: 0px; ​​​​} ​​​​.header-md:after { ​​​​ width: 0%; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-content { ​​​​ --background: #ededed; ​​​​ height: 85%; ​​​​ padding-top: 0px; ​​​​} ​​​​.swiper-slide { ​​​​ display: block; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-slide>h2 { ​​​​ margin-top: 2.8rem; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-slide { ​​​​ height: 100vh; ​​​​ flex-direction: column; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-card.card-future { ​​​​ border-left: 5px solid #259ed6; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-card.card-today { ​​​​ border-left: 5px solid #259ed6; ​​​​ cursor: pointer; ​​​​} ​​​​ion-card.card-done { ​​​​ border-left: 5px solid #69d392; ​​​​} ​​​​.ion-list--no-background { ​​​​ background: var( ​​​​ --ion-item-background, ​​​​ var(--ion-background-color, rgba (0,0,0,0)) ​​​​ ); ​​​​} ​​​​.ion-item--no-background { ​​​​ --background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); ​​​​} ​​​​.title { ​​​​ font-size: 24px; ​​​​ font-weight: bold; ​​​​ padding-left: 0px; ​​​​} ​​​​.subtitle { ​​​​ font-weight: bold; ​​​​ font-size: 16px ​​​​} ​​​​.subtitle--date { ​​​​ font-size: 14px; ​​​​ color: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.75); ​​​​} ​​​​.card--title { ​​​​ margin-bottom: -5px; ​​​​ font-size: 18px; ​​​​ font-weight: bold; ​​​​} ​​​​.card--title-time { ​​​​ margin-bottom: -5px; ​​​​ text-align: right; ​​​​ font-size: 18px; ​​​​ font-weight: bold; ​​​​} ​​​​.card--address { ​​​​ margin-top: -5px; ​​​​ font-size: 16px; ​​​​ color: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.75); ​​​​}
    • Add the ion-header and .header-md:after class, both of these affect the ion-header design in HTML.
    • The rest is same, if there any then it's just minor change, like size, color, etc.
  • For the main part, in home.page.ts

    ​​​​import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; ​​​​import { IonSlides } from '@ionic/angular'; ​​​​export class HomePage { ​​​​ futureMissionList = []; ​​​​ fragmentTitle: string; ​​​​ fragmentTitleArray = ["What I've Done", "Today's Mission", "Future"]; ​​​​ ngOnInit() { ​​​​ this.fragmentTitle = this.fragmentTitleArray[1]; ​​​​ this.setDataFuture(); ​​​​ } ​​​​ async setDataFuture () { ​​​​ // initialize ​​​​ let data = [ ... ]; ​​​​ this.futureMissionList = data; ​​​​ } ​​​​ } ​​​​}
    • Because the data is too long, I think it's better to have seperate documentation with the back end code (.ts).
    • The dummy data being used:
    ​​​​[ ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'DateString': "August 1", ​​​​ 'DayString': "Thursday", ​​​​ 'Date': "...", ​​​​ 'Data': [ ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'ClientName': "Client No. 001", ​​​​ 'ClientAddress': "Taipei, Keelung Rd. No. 01", ​​​​ 'MissionTime': "2019-07-01 12:00:00", ​​​​ 'MissionTimeOnlyHour': "12:00", ​​​​ 'ClientPhone': "+886 123 345 901", ​​​​ 'ClientContactPerson': "Mr. 010", ​​​​ 'MachineType': "UN-1321AG-1-L", ​​​​ 'MachineNumber': "456701", ​​​​ 'ErrorCode': "1", ​​​​ 'ProblemOccured': "Your Lie in April 1st", ​​​​ 'NotificationTime': "2019-30-29 11:41:00", ​​​​ 'Repairman': "198503302003121001", ​​​​ 'ClientNumber': "132401", ​​​​ 'MissionNumber': "051" ​​​​ }, ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'ClientName': "Client No. 002", ​​​​ 'ClientAddress': "Taipei, Keelung Rd. No. 02", ​​​​ 'MissionTime': "2019-07-01 18:00:00", ​​​​ 'MissionTimeOnlyHour': "18:00", ​​​​ 'ClientPhone': "+886 123 345 902", ​​​​ 'ClientContactPerson': "Mr. 020", ​​​​ 'MachineType': "UN-1321AG-1-L", ​​​​ 'MachineNumber': "456701", ​​​​ 'ErrorCode': "1", ​​​​ 'ProblemOccured': "Your Lie in April 1st", ​​​​ 'NotificationTime': "2019-30-29 11:41:00", ​​​​ 'Repairman': "198503302003121001", ​​​​ 'ClientNumber': "132402", ​​​​ 'MissionNumber': "052" ​​​​ } ​​​​ ] ​​​​ }, ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'DateString': "August 3", ​​​​ 'DayString': "Saturday", ​​​​ 'Date': "...", ​​​​ 'Data': [ ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'ClientName': "Client No. 003", ​​​​ 'ClientAddress': "Taipei, Keelung Rd. No. 03", ​​​​ 'MissionTime': "2019-07-01 15:00:00", ​​​​ 'MissionTimeOnlyHour': "15:00", ​​​​ 'ClientPhone': "+886 123 345 903", ​​​​ 'ClientContactPerson': "Mr. 030", ​​​​ 'MachineType': "UN-1321AG-1-L", ​​​​ 'MachineNumber': "456701", ​​​​ 'ErrorCode': "1", ​​​​ 'ProblemOccured': "Your Lie in April 1st", ​​​​ 'NotificationTime': "2019-30-29 11:41:00", ​​​​ 'Repairman': "198503302003121001", ​​​​ 'ClientNumber': "132403", ​​​​ 'MissionNumber': "053" ​​​​ } ​​​​ ] ​​​​ }, ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'DateString': "August 4", ​​​​ 'DayString': "Sunday", ​​​​ 'Date': "...", ​​​​ 'Data': [ ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'ClientName': "Client No. 004", ​​​​ 'ClientAddress': "Taipei, Keelung Rd. No. 04", ​​​​ 'MissionTime': "2019-07-01 12:00:00", ​​​​ 'MissionTimeOnlyHour': "12:00", ​​​​ 'ClientPhone': "+886 123 345 904", ​​​​ 'ClientContactPerson': "Mr. 040", ​​​​ 'MachineType': "UN-1321AG-1-L", ​​​​ 'MachineNumber': "456701", ​​​​ 'ErrorCode': "1", ​​​​ 'ProblemOccured': "Your Lie in April 1st", ​​​​ 'NotificationTime': "2019-30-29 11:41:00", ​​​​ 'Repairman': "198503302003121001", ​​​​ 'ClientNumber': "132404", ​​​​ 'MissionNumber': "054" ​​​​ }, ​​​​ { ​​​​ 'ClientName': "Client No. 005", ​​​​ 'ClientAddress': "Taipei, Keelung Rd. No. 05", ​​​​ 'MissionTime': "2019-07-01 10:00:00", ​​​​ 'MissionTimeOnlyHour': "10:00", ​​​​ 'ClientPhone': "+886 123 345 905", ​​​​ 'ClientContactPerson': "Mr. 050", ​​​​ 'MachineType': "UN-1321AG-1-L", ​​​​ 'MachineNumber': "456701", ​​​​ 'ErrorCode': "1", ​​​​ 'ProblemOccured': "Your Lie in April 1st", ​​​​ 'NotificationTime': "2019-30-29 11:41:00", ​​​​ 'Repairman': "198503302003121001", ​​​​ 'ClientNumber': "132405", ​​​​ 'MissionNumber': "055" ​​​​ } ​​​​ ] ​​​​ } ​​​​]
  • The result in Home page for Future Mission:

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image file may be corrupted
  • The server hosting the image is unavailable
  • The image path is incorrect
  • The image format is not supported
Learn More β†’

  • In dummy data there are still unused attributes which not being displayed in Home page on Future Mission.
  • These data will not discarded because still unclear if each item will be use in next work.


  • Modify the Home page for Future mission, on "Future" fragment, by get the data from backend code (.ts) and display dynamically on frontend (HTML and SCSS).
  • Using dummy data to perform demo so the design can be displayed as expected.
  • For Home page on Done Mission fragment will be developt and test using dummy data on tomorrow because it has to generate photo (up to 3 images) on each item.

Time: 18:00
Event: Leaving the lab

tags: on-intern