# Software WG taskforce: simulator selection resource Meeting 24: ~~Wed 31 Jan 2024, 1400 UTC~~**Wed 14 Feb 2024, 1400 UTC** Next meeting: Wed 28 Feb 2024, 1400 UTC :::info **Consolidated notes are now here: https://hackmd.io/@mstimberg/HJXqYPMPo** ::: ## Attendees - Ankur - Marcel ## Notes - Graph-layout seems useful - everything else (filtering, search) should probably be built around it - cytoscape seems powerful enough for everything we want - programming/styling is relatively straightforward (but not always easy to find documentation) - ACTION (Marcel): change the prototype so it shows all the data (with a default pre-filtering) [**DONE**] - ACTION (Marcel): move to main simselect repository, in `graph` branch [**DONE**] - Everyone can fork the repository to try out things, github pages will take care of "deployment"