# Software WG taskforce: simulator selection resource Meeting 21: **Wed 6 Dec, 1500 UTC** Next meeting: In 2 weeks, 20th at 1400 UTC (1500 CET). :::info **Consolidated notes are now here: https://hackmd.io/@mstimberg/HJXqYPMPo** ::: ## Attendees - Ankur - Marcel - Reema ## Notes - Revision - Level 1 filtering will point users only to simulation engines - 2 Axis graph model - X axis: biological modelling - Y axis: "processing support" - Level 2 will then show the expanded graph of relations to the simulation engines - ACTION: Ankur add "simulator" tag to all data entries that can actually do the simulation (numerical integration and all that!) - Refine/formalise relationships b/w tools - New idea: - keep 2 levels, first level is limited to engines - show tabular representation of engines with few engine specific features (biological modelling, processing support) - selecting some feature will re-order the table and highlight the matching rows - always have a "info section" that shows full details on selected tools - maybe allow selection of 3-4 tools at once to allow comparison b/w them in the "info section" - level 2 will include all the other tools - need lots of annotated relationships - replace tabular view with graph view once user clicks "next" or "graph view" or "details". - level 1 is more filtering - level 2 is more browsing - ACTION Ankur: limit certain info tags only to engines - processing support - biological modelling level - ACTION: everyone look at visualization frameworks for the graph bit - try to come up with simple mockups, the idea being to get an idea of - how complex usage is - how light/heavy it is - everything can be done in JS directly, see if it can be embedded in panel etc. too. - ACTION Ankur: update schema to include "description" in relations in the schema - Relationships - are "depends on" or "adds to", so define on this side. - for example, brian2tools depends on brian, so define the relationship in brian2tools - if we find certain relationships to be commonly used, we can "formalise" them to ensure we use the same language - ACTION Ankur: start updating relationships