# Software WG taskforce: simulator selection resource Meeting 27: Wed 22 May 2024, 1300 UTC Next meeting: Wed 5 Jun 2024, 1300 UTC :::info **Consolidated notes are now here: https://hackmd.io/@mstimberg/HJXqYPMPo** ::: ## Attendees - Marcel - Ankur - Reema ## Notes - Code refactoring - postpone until table view is finalized - Search functionality for different views? - Table view - shows only simulators, allows users to narrow down - then these simulators are selected in the graph view - Graph view - select a few random simulators by default if nothing is selected - One way relationship between table view and graph view - Table view used to filter down what simulators should be selected in the graph view - Changes in the graph view will not change the table - Possible enhancement: expose view + selected simulators as URL arguments - Current graph view: left column with checkboxes will be replaced by the table view: is currently just a placeholder - Kanban board: https://github.com/orgs/OCNS/projects/2/views/1 - Milestone: CNS2024: https://github.com/OCNS/simselect/milestone/3 (July 13) ## Action items - Reema: legend, `cy-style.json` file customization - node style: abstract icons - https://github.com/OCNS/simselect/issues/64 - Marcel: - implement table view - https://github.com/OCNS/simselect/issues/63 - Ankur: implement circular view on clicking node ## Resources - Fontawesome for icons: https://fontawesome.com/ - Tabler icons: https://tabler.io/icons - Feather: https://feathericons.com/