# Software WG taskforce: simulator selection resource Meeting 22: **Wed 17 Jan, 1400 UTC** Next meeting: :::info **Consolidated notes are now here: https://hackmd.io/@mstimberg/HJXqYPMPo** ::: ## Attendees - Reema - Marcel - Ankur ## Notes - "Population model" etc are place holders, will need to be tweaked once we have a better idea of how stuff will be displayed - Leave descriptions as comma separated lists for the time being - consistency of features -> also to be done later - ACTION: remove `model_description_language` - include `biophysical_level` also for standards - in general, relationship can be unidirectional - relation should live on tool that provides the functionality - can add tests/warnings to flag bidrectional tools - try to organise the data in such a way that the JS only displays/filters - YAML to JSON, since JS prefers JSON - Marcel looked into [Cytoscape](https://js.cytoscape.org/) - the JS does the heavy lifting, one line of JS with styling to display - good example: http://www.wineandcheesemap.com/ + https://github.com/cytoscape/wineandcheesemap - Next meeting in 2 weeks at 1400 UTC, 31st Jan