# Software WG taskforce: simulator selection resource Meeting 18: **Wed 27 Sep, 1300 UTC** Next meeting: **Wed 11 Oct, 1300 UTC** :::info **Consolidated notes are now here: https://hackmd.io/@mstimberg/HJXqYPMPo** ::: ## Attendees - Reema - Marcel - Ankur - Emil ## Notes - Setting up of another fly instance for dev purposes - DONE (@Ankur) - Seperating the "core" simulation tools from the associated/add-ons (GPU, GUIs, etc) - Limiting the home page to the core ones and the following window can help direct to associated tools - TODO: Categorization - .. - TODO: Design Ideas - .. - Suggested modifications to the tool metadata - - Computing power: everything that can run on a supercomputer runs on single machine - Node(NEURON) and spokes(PyNN, etc) idea to represent the core engine and tools based on it - Relationship direction between tools - later labelling these relationships for a knowledge graph like data model - Suggested modifications to the filtering logic - - for example: someone who is looking for a tool that works with either MATLAB OR Python, the current logic when choosing both will output ONLY the tools which are available in both - hierarchy of filtering, the "strictness" of the filte, etc - Discussions around change of tech stack depending of evolving frontend requirements - **TODOs for next meeting:** - Identify an ecosystem of tools and try to model the relations between them - Design ideas for its representation: inspirations from other websites, sketches, etc