--- langs: en tags: cofacts GA: UA-98468513-3 title: Cofacts Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model) description: Updated at 2020/5/7 --- ```graphviz graph mappings{ rankdir=LR; node[shape=record]; replyrequests [label= <Reply Request | <FONT point-size="10">Record of a user wants<BR />an article to be replied</FONT> > ] replyrequestfeedbacks [label=< Reply Request Feedback | <FONT point-size="10">User feedback voting toward<BR />a reply request</FONT> > ] articlereplies [label=< Article-Reply | <FONT point-size="10">N-N mapping connecting<BR />an article and a reply </FONT> > ] articlereplyfeedbacks [label=< Article-Reply Feedback | <FONT point-size="10">User feedback voting toward<BR />an article-reply</FONT> > ] articlecategories [label=< Article-Category | <FONT point-size="10">N-N mapping connecting<BR />an article and a category </FONT> > ] articlecategoryfeedbacks [label=< Article-Category Feedback | <FONT point-size="10">User feedback voting toward<BR />an article-category</FONT> > ] replies [label=< Reply | <FONT point-size="10">Editor reply to the message</FONT> > color="DARKGREEN" ] articles [label=< Article | <FONT point-size="10">User-reported suspicious message</FONT> > color="CRIMSON" ] categories[label=< Category | <FONT point-size="10">Topic label</FONT> > ] articles -- replyrequests [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; replyrequests -- replyrequestfeedbacks [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; articles -- articlereplies [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; articlereplies -- replies [headlabel="1",taillabel="n"]; articlereplies -- articlereplyfeedbacks [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; articles -- articlecategories [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; articlecategories -- categories [headlabel="1",taillabel="n"]; articlecategories -- articlecategoryfeedbacks [headlabel="n",taillabel="1"]; } ```
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