# Ad Blocking A site before the use of an ad blocker: ![](https://i.imgur.com/2kYblLi.jpg) With an ad blocker: ![](https://i.imgur.com/uJx93rI.png) I've used an ad blocker for years and it's effectiveness can't be overstated. Personally, I hate the idea of targeted advertising. I get unnerved when I see a site advertising something similar to what I bought or looked at in the past week. I've managed to avoid the "banner blindness" phenomenon because just seeing a targeted ad makes me uncomfortable, and it's become something I'm always aware of when not using an ad blocker. Companies using third-party cookies makes targeted ads even easier. As mentioned in "Targeted Advertising Considered Harmful", advertisers can buy cheaper ads from sites that share cookies with bigger sites, allowing them to continue their targeted ads across multiple sites. In addition, if ad blockers allow Acceptable Ads to sneak through it creates an uneven playing field for advertising based on the size and wealth of the company. There's a reason Senator Ron Wyden brought the practice to the attention of the senate for potential "anti-competitive" practices. It could allow big companies to pay blockers to have their ads still show, but small companies would not have enough money to do so. In the interest of a free market, Acceptable Ads are a terrible practice.