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Least square fitting

For data analysis sake, I read a text file but only know it contain 3 columns with unknown lines. I first go through the data and then I allocate the memory for three array to store the column separately.
Next, I need to preform least square fitting of the form of

y=P(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2 by minimizing the weighted mean square error given by following equation.

So in order to find the best cooeficient that minimize
, I differentiate by

Then I can get the following relation in which I can transform these in to matrix form, so it can be easier to prefrom systematically on computer.



Finally, for solving inverse matrix, I use the simple Gaussian eleimination.


!   Purpose: Simple data analysis
!       Date        Programer       Description of change
!       ====        =========       =====================
!     10/14/20        Morris        Original Code
    INTEGER :: nmax=-1, stat=0, i=1
    REAL(8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: x, y, e
    REAL(8) :: coef(3), a, b, c
    open(4, file='exptA.dat', status='old', action='read')
    print *, "exptA:"
    ! determine the lines in the data file
    do while(stat == 0)
        nmax = nmax + 1
        read(4, *, iostat=stat) 
    end do
    write (6, *) "number of line in data file:", nmax
    ! allocate the memory
    ! read the data into x, y, e
        read(4, *, end=10) a, b, c
        x(i) = a
        y(i) = b
        e(i) = c
        i = i + 1
    end do
    10 close(4)

    ! calculate parameter
    CALL QFIT(x, y, e, nmax, coef)

    ! write para into a file
    open(99, file='exptA.coef', status='unknown')
    write(99, *) coef


SUBROUTINE QFIT(x, y, e, nmax, coef)
!   Fit a quadratic polynomail
!   Methods: Least square fitting 
    INTEGER :: nmax
    REAL(8) :: x(nmax), y(nmax), e(nmax), d(3, 3), b(3)
    REAL(8) :: inv(3, 3), coef(3), error
    INTEGER :: i, j, k

    d = 0.d0
    do i = 1, 3
        do j = 1, 3
            do k = 1, nmax
                d(i, j) = d(i, j) + x(k) ** (i+j-2) / e(k)**2
            end do
        end do
    end do

    b = 0.d0
    do i = 1, 3
        do j = 1, nmax
            b(i) = b(i) + y(j) * x(j) ** (i-1) / e(j)**2
        end do
    end do

    CALL INVERSE(d, inv, 3)

    coef = MATMUL(inv, b)

    ! calculate error
    error = 0.d0
    do i = 1, nmax
        error = error + ((y(i) - coef(3) * x(i)**2 - &
                          coef(2) * x(i) - coef(1)) / e(i))**2
    end do
    error = error / nmax
    write(*, *) "mean-square error = ", error


    !   Purpose: Inverse Matrix
    !   Methods: Gaussian elimintion
    ! input
    ! a(n, n) - input nxn matrix
    ! c - store inverse matrix
    ! n - dimension of matrix
    INTEGER :: n
    REAL(8) :: a(n,n), c(n,n)
    REAL(8) :: L(n,n), U(n,n), b(n), d(n), x(n)
    REAL(8) :: coeff
    INTEGER :: i, j, k


    ! step 1: forward elimination
    do k=1, n-1
        do i=k+1,n
            L(i,k) = coeff
            do j=k+1,n
                a(i,j) = a(i,j)-coeff*a(k,j)
            end do
        end do
    end do

    ! Step 2: prepare L and U matrices 
    ! L matrix is a matrix of the elimination coefficient
    ! + the diagonal elements are 1.0
    do i=1,n
        L(i,i) = 1.0
    end do
    ! U matrix is the upper triangular part of A
    do j=1,n
        do i=1,j
            U(i,j) = a(i,j)
        end do
    end do

    ! Step 3: compute columns of the inverse matrix C
    do k=1,n
        d(1) = b(1)
        ! Step 3a: Solve Ld=b using the forward substitution
        do i=2,n
            do j=1,i-1
                d(i) = d(i) - L(i,j)*d(j)
            end do
        end do
        ! Step 3b: Solve Ux=d using the back substitution
        do i = n-1,1,-1
            x(i) = d(i)
            do j=n,i+1,-1
            end do
            x(i) = x(i)/u(i,i)
        end do
        ! Step 3c: fill the solutions x(n) into column k of C
        do i=1,n
            c(i,k) = x(i)
        end do
    end do


For exptA and exptB data file, I get the following information regarding about numbers of line in data file and the mean-square error of least square fitting.

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I then plot the data file with error bar and use the coefficient to comfirm the result of least square fittin which shows a pretty decent


exptA fitting result

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exptB fitting result

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   0.43183E+01  0.29900E+01  0.15097E+01
   0.44299E+01  0.84406E+01  0.68364E+01
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   0.46531E+01  0.37380E+01  0.28566E+01
   0.47647E+01  0.60862E+01  0.37179E+01
   0.48764E+01  0.56171E+01  0.29501E+01
   0.49880E+01 -0.20904E+00  0.75058E+00
   0.50996E+01  0.45858E+01  0.51418E+01
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   0.53229E+01 -0.34724E+01 -0.51248E+00
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   0.55461E+01 -0.36412E+00  0.10651E+01
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   0.57694E+01  0.66534E+01  0.57708E+01
   0.58810E+01  0.14227E+01  0.37067E+01
   0.59926E+01 -0.12939E+01  0.22748E+01
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   0.64391E+01 -0.25897E+01  0.17435E+01
   0.65508E+01 -0.35644E+00  0.26448E+01
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   0.76670E+01 -0.17860E+02 -0.11153E+01


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   0.22767E+02  0.46227E+02  0.21311E+01
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   0.23687E+02  0.42365E+02  0.18236E+00
   0.24147E+02  0.47931E+02  0.12596E+01
   0.24608E+02  0.48006E+02  0.46134E+01
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   0.27369E+02  0.52539E+02  0.28789E+01
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