# Non-reversal Random walk (NRRW)
Non-reversal random walk are randomly walk except it cannot reverse it's previous step. Following two figures show different steps of NRRW, compare to previous figure it can walk further since it cannot go reverse its previous step.
Then I measure the probability $P(R)$ as a function of $R$ after large enough steps. Different from reversal RW, the peak of probability is not happened at the origin. By taking plot semi-log we see that it doesn't look quite like a Gaussian distribution. We can verified this again by looking at the QQ plot which indicate a Gaussian only if it lay around the $45^\circ$ line.
Then I measure $<|R|>$ and $<R^2>$, in particular $<R^2>$ are roughly $\sim$ $N^1$ at large $N$.
## Code
program rw2
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N=5000, NP=100000
integer :: x(NP)=0, y(NP)=0, pre(NP), i, j
double precision :: p=0.25d0, pp, xa, xb, R
call random_seed()
open(66, file='gauR.dat', status='unknown')
do i = 1, N
xa = 0.d0
xb = 0.d0
do j = 1, NP
! non-reversal
call random_number(pp)
! p is the prob. of right
if ((pp.lt.p).and.(pre(j).ne.1)) then
x(j) = x(j) + 1
pre(j) = 1
else if ((pp.gt.p).and.(pp.le.2.d0*p).and.(pre(j).ne.2)) then
x(j) = x(j) - 1
pre(j) = 2
else if ((pp.gt.2.d0*p).and.(pp.le.3.d0*p).and.(pre(j).ne.3)) then
y(j) = y(j) + 1
pre(j) = 3
else if ((pp.gt.3.d0*p).and.(pre(j).ne.4)) then
y(j) = y(j) - 1
pre(j) = 4
end if
end do
R = dsqrt(dble(x(j))*dble(x(j))+dble(y(j))*dble(y(j)))
xa = xa + R
xb = xb + R * R
end do
! traj
! write(66, '(2I8)') x(1), y(1)
! <x>
xa = xa / dble(NP)
! <x^2>
xb = xb / dble(NP)
! write(66, '(I6, 2f25.17)') i, xa, xb
end do
! distribution
! write(66, '(100000I8)') x
! write(66, '(100000I8)') y
write(66, '(100000f25.17)') dsqrt(dble(x)*dble(x) + dble(y)*dble(y))
end program rw2