# Root of Kepler's Equation The equation of eccentric anomaly is given by \begin{equation} \psi - e\sin \psi = \omega t \tag{1} \end{equation} Using simple iteration which can be written as \begin{equation} \psi_{n+1} = \omega t + e \sin \psi_n \tag{2} \end{equation} , in which I iterate over and over until the difference between $\psi_{n+1}$ and $\psi_n$ is less than $\varepsilon$. In this case I let $\varepsilon=1.D0$. ## Code ``` fortran !======================================================== ! Purpose: Solve Kepler eccentric anomaly ! ! Methods: Simple iteration (E=M+e*sinE) ! ! Date Programer Description of change ! ==== ========= ===================== ! 9/30/20 Morris Original Code !======================================================== PROGRAM kepler IMPLICIT NONE REAL(16), PARAMETER :: pi = 3.1415926535898D0 REAL(16) :: phi, e, M, tmp INTEGER :: i open(1, file='kepler_2.dat', status='unknown') e = 0.2D0 do i = 1, 100 M = pi * dble(i) / 50.D0 do tmp = phi phi = M + e * sin(phi) write(*, *) abs(tmp-phi) if (abs(tmp - phi) <= 1D-8) then EXIT end if end do write(1, '(3F20.17)') M, phi end do END PROGRAM kepler ``` ## Result In this program, it tries to find $\psi$ as a function of $\omega t$. By letting $\omega t$ go through $0$ to $2\pi$. I can get the following relation. Futhermore, I can adjust different $e$ to get a different function. ![](https://i.imgur.com/J4kcr5s.png)