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Verizon Volunteer Experience Mapping

CodePath Tech Mentorship Program

  • Step 1: Find and choose the mentorship opportunity on the Verizon volunteerism portal
  • Step 2: Create an account on CodePath's Mentorship CRM
    • This CRM will be configured once we receive funding from Verizon
    • Once it is live, I will update the mentoring opportunity to include the sign up link.
  • Step 3: Watch three 10 min training videos (30 minutes in total) to onboard to the CodePath Tech Mentorship Program
    • Video 1: Covers CodePath background and the students we serve
    • Video 2: Covers the Mentorship Program, its structure, and objectives
    • Video 3: Covers best practices for mentors, including the CodePath Code of Conduct
  • Step 4: Complete onboarding survey that will be used to determine their mentee matches
  • Step 5: Receive mentees and begin meeting with them over the course of the mentorship program (12 weeks)
    • Scheduled times are provided via CRM, but mentor and mentee can change the meeting times as they need.

CodePath Virtual Panels

  • Step 1: Find and choose the panel opportunity on the Verizon volunteerism portal
  • Step 2: Receive an email to sign up for the onboarding session
  • Step 3: Attend 60 minute onboarding session
    • CodePath history
    • Details of students served
    • Industry panel objectives
    • Structure and logistics overview
    • Time for Q&A
  • Step 4: Prep for panel by reviewing student questions on the topic and optional readings provided by CodePath
  • Step 5: Participate in the Virtual Panel with CodePath students

CodePath Virtual Workshops

  • Step 1: Find and choose the workshop opportunity on the Verizon volunteerism portal
  • Step 2: Receive an email to sign up for the onboarding session
  • Step 3: Attend 60 minute onboarding session
    • CodePath history
    • Details of students served
    • Industry workshop objectives
    • Structure and logistics overview
    • Choose technical topic to present
    • Time for Q&A
  • Step 4: Prep for workshop by developing slides and/or other materials that can be presented in a virtual manner (maybe a video)
  • Step 5: Review and receive sign off on materials from CodePath
  • Step 5: Present Virtual Workshop to CodePath students

CodePath In-Person Networking Events

  • Step 1: Find and choose networking event on the Verizon volunteerism platform.
  • Step 2: Receive an email with information regarding CodePath background, event structure, and logistical details (time, date, location).
  • Step 3: Receive reminder email regarding the event 48 hours in advance.
  • Step 4: Attend networking event and meet CodePath students