[GeoVT](https://www.geovt.eu/) 5th Multiplier Event (online, Mar 5 2024 9:00 AM (CET)) === ### Training new generations on geomorphology, geohazards and geoheritage through Virtual Reality Technologies ![Draft_GeoVT_Logo1](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJtXkbb5T.png) ![Erasmus_EC](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bk6xZ--56.jpg) --- :::success ## <p style="text-align: center;">Virtual Field Trips in Environmental Studies </p> ::: ***[Event associated with International Geomorphology Week 2024](http://www.geomorph.org/international-geomorphology-week-2024/)*** :::warning ***Please register with this link --->*** https://arcg.is/1DiiPS ***OR --->*** <img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1_Qy_C96.png" alt="drawing" width="70"/> ***zoom weblink: (code : 3TdgDW)*** - [GeoVT Fifth Multiplier Event](https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/99395844520?pwd=d2RPYzdKeDJTbC8yWHRLU2RRb2dsUT09) *meeting ID: 993 9584 4520* *zoom conference will be available 15 minutes before the start of the meeting* ::: ###### tags: `Erasmus+` `GeoVT` `Geomorphology` `Geoheritage` `Geohazards` `Education` `Virtual Reality` ![Geovt_4](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy72KuAqT.jpg) --- ## The GeoVT Erasmus+ Project #### GeoVT is a powerful educational tool for distance learning in Geomorphology, Geohazards, and Geoheritage. #### A novel approach with virtual reality (VR) for innovative ways of learning, now combines theory, practice, and activities that promote creative learning and active participation. #### GeoVT allows many students to experience various geomorphological sites which would otherwise be inaccessible or unavailable in their country or require time and money to visit. #### At the same time, it acts as a place for interaction and global concern, as a conduit for dialogue adapted to the rapid developments of societies. --- :::info - **Location:** Online - **To whom it is adressed:** - Educators, Teachers, Parents, Students - Public organizations - NGOs working on the Educational Policy Institutes - **Date:** - Mar 5 2024 9:00 AM (CET) - **Agenda:** 1. Welcome/Introduction `10min` > **[name=Mohand Medjkane]** [UNICAEN, France](https://welcome.unicaen.fr/) 2. Summary presentation of the GeoVT project `10-15min` > **[name=Niki Evelpidou]** [NKUA, Greece](https://en.uoa.gr/) 3. Thematic presentations 3.1 GeoVT Authoring platform and Players `15min` > **[name=Nikos Papastamatiou]** [Omega Technology, Greece](http://www.omegatech.gr/) 3.2 Increasing geoheritage awareness through Virtual Reality technologies `15min` > **[name=Vittoria Vandelli]** [UNIMORE, Italy](https://international.unimore.it/) 3.3 Ī¤eaching geomorphological processes in coastal zone: a Virtual Tour `15min` > **[name=Giannis Saitis]** [NKUA, Greece](https://en.uoa.gr/) 3.4 IAG Working Group: Virtual Trips in Geomorphology `15min` > **[name=Anna Karkani]** [NKUA, Greece](https://en.uoa.gr/) 3.5 Digital Escape Rooms: Innovative pedagogical approach for teaching Geoheritage `15min` > **[name=Aristeidis Paliouras]** [ASPETE, Greece](https://www.aspete.gr/en/home/) 3.6 Exploring a Landslide in Hokkaido, Japan: A Virtual Reality Approach `15min` > **[name=Azim Zulhilmi]** [Graduate School of Environmental Science, Japan](https://www.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/?lang=en) 4. Discussion and the next steps `20-min` 5. End of the event : *~11:00 AM (CET)* ::: ![results](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkvwFdR5p.jpg) :::success - **GeoVT Participants:** - Mohand Medjkane (Unicaen) - Olivier Maquaire (Unicaen) - Candide Lissak (Univ.Rennes) - Nikos Papastamatiou, (Omega Technology) - Vittoria Vandelli (UNIMORE) - Giannis Saitis (NKUA) - Anna Karkani (NKUA) - Niki Evelpidou (NKUA) - Aristeidis Paliouras (ASPETE) - Mauro Soldati (UNIMORE) ![01-Stockholm-University](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryiezZ-9T.jpg) ![02-NKUA](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sym-Gb-96.jpg) ![03-Omega](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJDzf-W9a.jpg) ![05-Unimore](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1HSf-Z56.jpg) ![06-Unicaen](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkRHGZZq6.jpg) ![07-Uwr](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1p8fb-q6.jpg) ![08-ASPETE](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkDwGWb5p.jpg) ![erasmus_logo1](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1F5fZbcT.jpg) ![EC](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/By09M-WcT.jpg) ::: ![home1](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkSWaDA5p.jpg) :::warning - **Contact:** Mohand Medjkane || <mohand.medjkane@unicaen.fr> - **Host:** University Normandy Caen (UNICAEN) `online` - ***zoom weblink: (code : 3TdgDW)*** - [GeoVT Fifth Multiplier Event](https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/99395844520?pwd=d2RPYzdKeDJTbC8yWHRLU2RRb2dsUT09) *meeting ID: 993 9584 4520* *zoom conference will be available 15 minutes before the start of the meeting* ::: ![Geovt_3](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJSgpwAq6.jpg) *General information* - Personal data controller: UNICAEN: mohand.medjkane@unicaen.fr - Purpose: To disseminate information about the project's activities. - Consent Legal basis: Consent and Public Interest The images/recordings will be used for the duration of the project . *Withdrawal of consent/questions/complaints* - If you want us to stop using photos/recordings of you in new material, we ask you to contact us: mohand.medjkane@unicaen.fr