# About me **Gregor Mitscha-Baude** Born 1987 Vienna, Austria [Github](https://github.com/mitschabaude) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/mitschabaude) - [Email](mailto:gregor.mitscha-baude@gmx.at) ## CV *Legend: <span style="color: #3333cc;">blue ~ educational</span>, <span style="color: #cc3333;">red ~ professional</span>* * <span style="color: #3333cc;">**2007 - 2014**</span> MSc, Mathematics, TU Vienna. Master thesis in theoretical numerical analysis. - Decent amount of academic-style coding in Matlab, C, C++ <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #3333cc;">**2014 - 2018**</span> PhD research, Mathematics, TU Vienna. Topic: applied mathematics > modeling & simulation of biochemical systems with PDEs. - Medium-sized Python code base to run simulations / solve differential equations <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #3333cc;">**2019**</span> Complete government program for founders, start as freelance web developer - (Re-)learn JavaScript & the web stack and fall in love with it <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #cc3333;">**Sep 2019 - Aug 2020**</span> Core developer of [drd.at](https://drd.at/en/), Austrian telemedicine start-up - Main responsibility: Mobile app for patients, web app for doctors - React Native, cross-platform JS (iOS, Android, web) - Video conference between doctor/patient; learned WebRTC because I needed it - End-to-end encrypted health record; crypto-like flow with seed phrase for recovering encryption key; web interface to create PDF health documents that match Austrian standards - Partial responsibility: Java Backend / Postgres DB <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #3333cc;">**Sep/Oct 2020**</span> Self-education / exploration period - Dive into TypeScript, nodejs backend development, databases, npm packaging, decentralized web ideas, CRDTs, ... - Work on prototype/idea for a peer-to-peer universal basic income <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #cc3333;">**Nov 2020 - Jan 2021**</span> Freelancing for [realest8](https://www.realest8.at/en/home/), Austrian real-estate/law start-up - Build video conference tool that enables fully remote contract signing with notary + buyer - Integrate with third-party KYC / digital signing solution (IDnow) - WebRTC, ClojureScript, React <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #cc3333;">**Mar 2021 - Jun 2021**</span> Freelancing for [Mystery Minds](https://www.mysteryminds.com/en/), German SaaS company that offers networking tools for organizations - Build custom video conference / chat tool - WebRTC, React <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #cc3333;">**Feb 2021 - now**</span> Co-creator of [Jam](https://jam.systems), "open source Clubhouse" - Self-hosted + option for buying hosting [as a service](https://jamshelf.com) (~Gitlab model) - Some buzz & community interest, ~40 subscription customers - Support embedding as `<iframe>` and [as an SDK](https://github.com/jam-systems/jam/tree/master/ui/packages/jam-core) - Support self-hosters, builders; community management in Discord + Gitlab - Large client-side JS lib; WebRTC, Web Audio, React, real-time P2P state management - Backend: 3 nodejs servers (UI / WebSocket + DB / audio routing) - DevOps: docker-compose for portable hosting; AWS lambda for load testing <!-- -------------------------------------------------- --> * <span style="color: #3333cc;">**Aug/Sep/Oct 2021**</span> Self-education / exploration period - Dive into WebAssembly, language bundling/compiling, cryptography, SNARKs - Develop open source libraries