️ 看診前記得打電話確認取藥方式,有沒有藥師送藥或是只報名字就取藥,會省事很多👍Image Not Showing Possible ReasonsLearn More →
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
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有些診所可以報名字就可以拿,有些不行,一定要帶健保卡才能取藥(很不彈性),最好看診前就先確認好是否可以報名字就拿Image Not Showing Possible ReasonsLearn More →
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
只能帶健保卡取藥的診所,因為確診紀錄還沒通報上去,沒有親友的可憐蟲就只能出門散播愛(別這樣),也可以詢問是否有藥師送藥的方法可以跑Image Not Showing Possible ReasonsLearn More →
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
️需要先看西醫,有通報確診紀錄才能看中。通報完成的時間,每間診所醫院不一,快則三小時,慢則一天Image Not Showing Possible ReasonsLearn More →
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
清冠一號要跟西藥隔一小時吃Image Not Showing Possible ReasonsLearn More →
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported