As a fellow participant of these Network Society experiments, pop-up cities, and ultimately a believer in the power of this movement to radically transform society as a whole I find this prop to be perfectly timed.

As Vitalik Buttern mention in this most recent article on Palladium.

What if cultures or tribes that have formed online with their own goals and values could materialize offline, and new physical places could grow due to intention rather than random chance?

Underlying this prop is exactly what is needed to bring forth these physical places, a cartographer of the Network Society space, powered by Nouns.

I am personally incredibly bullish on this cutting edge development space and I think Nouns could significantly influence their progress via these activations and engagements.

Furthermore I have seen Carlos in action, he has given talks, presentations, workshops, and spent countless hours helping people like myself understand what being Nounish is all about. Carlos was also the one that spurred me to get involved with Nouns and lead to my decision to buy one, this is not a phenominon, Carlos has a unique ability to enagage with people on a human level and create impact accross an ecosystem as diverse as crypto.

My only pushback against the amount of funding here would be toward the section outlined for Edge City Lanna, what is effectively $50,000 from Nouns to go toward Child Care and Education Programming + Health and Wellness Programming for attendees seems misaligned.

IMO Edge City should be paying Carlos directly for this effort ! Not being subsidized by Nouns, regardless if the proposal were passed as it stands I would still see this as a massive effort with huge impact.

I would be more in support of 25% of that amount ($10-15k)

I think we should double down on people who have the desire and bandwidth to explore the furthest & weirdest regions of the web as they manifest into physical reality, funding this cartographer guild would be akin Marco Polo or Christopher Columbus, it seemed crazy at the time sending explorers out in the world to find new lands, new peoples, new opportunities, but in retrospect it was brillant and led to unimaginable discoveries of peoples, places, and resources.

N.O.U.N.S is Nounish AF and a small bet to make on such a daring vision 🤩