Event: EthBogota
Date: Oct 9, 2022 @ 1500
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Submissions: 212 🤯
Finalists: 12
Showcase: https://ethglobal.com/showcase

frens 🔥

"Staking con amigos" (Staking with friends)
Staking pool factory
Uses SSV technology

"Frens operator" Creates a pool, using factory contract

  1. Create pool
  2. Invite frens contribute any amount of ETH
  3. Watch pool fill
  4. Start your SSV validator

Utilizes NFT to represent stake
Must select three other uses from SSV network to contribute to validation

Register the SSV validator (app.ssv.network)

Dope, helps with further decentralization of the network by enabling smaller contributions run by home-stakers

URL: https://frens.fun
Twitter: @frens_fun

Blobscan Explorer 🔥

Background: EIP-4844 Proto-danksharding blobs of temporary arbitrary data. Useful for rollups

Explorer of data blobs enabled by EIP-4844 used by rollups
Data is stored in the Beacon Chain (consensus layer)

Arbitrary data can be anything, including images

Indexer used to fetch information from both the CL (Beacon API) and EL (JSON-RPC). Ensures validity of blob transactions. Indexes and stores in MongoDB to be displayed on website explorer.

URL: https://blogscan.com


Web3 Native Pay-per-view Live stream + Betting platform

The problem: Existing live-stream betting is inefficient and opaque
Why now? Web3 tools enable full transparency, guarantees of reward distribution

  • LivePeer for event streaming
  • Superfluid for pay-per-view (pay as you go, stops payment if you stop watching)
  • Uma for betting pool (?)

Thoughts: Pretty interesting take on ways to stream live events

ETHernal Reviews

Simple review platform for project
Must have interacted with a contract before being allowed to leave reviews

URL: https://ethernal-reviews.netlify.app

Open a dapp project, connect wallet. If you've interacted with that contract address you can leave a simple review, if not you're blocked.
Also measures how often and what time period the user interacts with the contract
ie. 100 transactions in the last 2 days is less valuable than recurring txs over several months

Pulp - Private Uncollateralized Lending Protocol

P2P Lending protocol for underserved groups
Self-sovereign identity as a reputation score
This reputation score can be shared, without need to share PII

ID Traits: Age, DAO Contributor, Educational Institution, Trustworthy community member

"Prove your good reputation"
Claims can be made and scanned into wallet, generating your reputation

Lenders can set own requirements:
- Interest rate
- amount comfortable lending
- Reputation requirements

Thoughts: Really cool approach/solution to enable under/uncollateralized lending protocol


Invest + Grow + Give
"Wealth building app, but more than just lining your pockets"

True wealth is also giving back to your community
For those who believe that true wealth is meant to be shared

Deposit capital
Grow your Wealth using DCA mechanisms and placed into yield generating protocols

DCA while also contributing a chosen percentage to public goods


  • Superluid
  • Aave
  • 1inch

Gamifying community: "Seed" NFTs at various stages
Special edition "giving" NFTS: Delegating a % of your yield to Eternal Optimism earns you additional NFTs

Thoughts: could be another great way to help people/DAOs save while contributing to public goods


"A web3 platform for web3 devs to solve web3 issues"

Problems: Burnout, staked on their projects, leads isolated

Decentralized social platform where web3 devs can help to solve the biggest problems
Bounties > Produce asset of value > problem resolved, confirmed by validator

Looks kinda like a web3 stack overflow.

"Let's buidl a wider, stronger and united web3 devs cmomunity"


"A trustless eth2 to EVM bridge"

Trying to improve traditional bridging mechanisms
Trustless - Can be sure informatio nbeing passed is correct
Permissionless - Anyone can relay blocks/messages
Generic Messaging - Hs access to all state/tsns of origin chain so general cross chin apps can be built

Proof-of-Consensus - Ability to prove consensus of another chain
ie. Verify Ethereum Casper FFG

Eth2 Light Client Protocol?

SNARKs being used for proof-of-consensus to prove the logic was computed

This looks at using "fault proofs" instead of a SNARK of validity proof this proves you did not execute a program correctly


  • Proof of conesnsus via fault proofs
  • relay to light clients


Anonymous Vickrey Auctions On Chain 🔥

First Price vs Second Price Auction
Second price results in more honest bidding, better price discovery

Why does the whole space use first price then??
VCG (?) requires secret bids and anonymous participation

We also do NOT want to know who is participating in the auction
Can observe the wallets of others, and this can be used in an unfair way

URL: vickrey.xyz

Uses CREATE2 opcode to make user able to obscure their bid as just another transaction to an EOA
NO Way to tell them apart as to who is bidding on what, or how much

Place "real" amount of bid within the salt of the CREATE2 function
This generates the public address but "not the private key of the contract" (??)

Auction 1 Bidder A: - 1ETH -> create2(A, 0.5 ETH)
Auction 1 Bidder B: - 2.5ETH -> create2(A, 1 ETH)

Thoughts: Very cool approach to on-chain auctions with privacy


ZK Privacy layer for NFTs
Powered by Aztec / zkRollups

Privately purchase and hold NFTs
Log into Aztec, mint and NFT which mints on Mainnet via zk bridge, then sent to aztec contract where user can redeem NFT on mainnet whenever they want.

You'll be able to see that an NFT was minted but not by who.

500 3D rendered "ZKunks"


  • Connect to Aztec, connect wallet, initialized and creates a spending key
  • Mint my NFT
  • Export to L1

Key pieces of how it's made:

  • ZK Bridge is most important part to shield ownership
  • zk Front end SDK
  • Zkunk NFT contract

Can enable privacy for any ERC-721

Potential use cases:

  • "Smart money" large NFT stakes privately
  • Art collectors
  • Event/ticket NFTs
  • Membership NFTs
  • Location-based NFTs

Key is choice over which are expose publicly and which are kept private

Looks sick! Private NFTs on Aztec, could be super valuable



"Host an online live listening party for all your Lens frens"
Music NFTs, real-time interactions between Lens profiles
Participation is kept private and rewarded, ephemeral in nature

New way for creators to market their content

Prove you were at the party for a reward by claiming a reward, which generates a ZKP

URL: https://joinclubspace.xyz


Connect any app to web3 with zero code

"Never need to use ethers or web3.js again"

Claim an Airdrop
URL contains query parameters that triggers an immediately transaction request
Approve DAI
Transfer DAI

Enables devs to NOT have to store their private keys in their deploy scripts
Just-in-time approvals

Command line tools
Web Apps
Recurring events
ie: click a simple link once a month to claim defi yields

Notable mentions

The following were awarded a handful of small grants but were not listed as one of the 12 finalists:

  • GiveFire
  • gates.xyz
  • nocadena
  • DAOkeeper