September 19, 2023
- Matt Wright for Consensys Accellerator
Forum Proposals:
Open Floor / New Business
- Please consider spending 15 min on a call with BorrowLucid to give feedback on Moloch DAOs, bc Q is ready to hack on V4 - Thank you!
- maybe it's too early for V4?
- some small fixes and things to explore with V3
- Dekan has some ideas for radical changes but they're mostly in V3
- keeping the info in the MC Notion so anyone can check it out
- lotsa niches and explorations across the ecosystem
- V3 is a head of everything else, but funding improves UX/UI on other platforms
- what perspective? users, developers…
- what are we optimizing for?
- is there a user sentiment change? like separating execution and membership
- what are people thinking about in DAOs?
- would elections be interesting?
- broaden it to include what's going on in the DAO world. it doesn't feel as exciting.
- legal stuff and compromises
- Optimism RPGF 3 begins today
- What about bringing in new perspectives and the future of MetaCartel?
- treasury is at about 80 WETH
Scribe Notes
hackathon team scouting pod
- out of funding
- hard to coordinate
- bought pNouns with the rest of the funding
- would like to pass the torch
- it was an interesting experience
- Dekan wrote a retrospective
- gonna include it in a newsletter
we've been funding events lately
- helps us stay up to date with what's going on
Is there ways to learn more about what ETHos is doing?
Could people put up sub daos, so pods have more transparency?
- people can still move fast
- but also we can see what's going on
ETHos team is at EthSafari
Why is it impossible to see what ETHos is doing?
How to make the pods more transparent?
TW was transparent with Pluraverse.
Dekan and Tae were transparent with the hackathon scouting pod.
Let's talk about Summon at another townhall
Pluraverse has about $9k left:
- what to do with this?
- could send it back to DAO treasury?
- 6551 Plor Quest?
- D&D, game theory and character sheets
- publish 10 scifi short stories that TW wrote over the years
- real book, w/o anything web3
- would take about 6 months to produce
- gonna share outlines with pod
- wants to get it in widespread circulation and tapping into TW's network for that
- would it be better to spend some of this money to go to events and then write
- TW doesn't want to do that
- Pluraverse defies quatitative metrics
- producing a retrospective with qualitative metrics, not quantitative metrics
- TW wants to get out of the walled garden
- TW wants to apply to real world use cases
- TW wants to publish to reach beyond crypto natives
- if you go to events, then you actually reach people
- artifacts are cool
- how about an audio book
- we don't want the artifact to be forgotten
- what's the purpose of the book?
- wanna explore more types of media?
- how can people get involved when they get the book?
- where is the process of making decisions together?
- Pluraverse is a lorecrafting initiative
- not solving for distribution
- please don't return the funds
- creating a framework that can be reproduced
- lotsa learnings put into this from past events and what has and hasn't worked
- Elco is proud of this
- supports real collaboration