# Mero Discord Roles Guide Members of the Mero Discord server can gain new roles for the completion of specific tasks, additional verifications, general contributions, and more. Roles are used to recognize contributions as well as grant special permissions. The following list breaks down what each roles is and how to acquire it (from bottow to top). # General Roles ### Verified Granted to users who pass server verification. ### Merocrat Granted to users who complete the Mero quest (currently not available). ### Bona fide Granted to the first 1,000 users who completed the Mero quest. ### Server Booster Granted to members who boost the Mero Discord server. ### Poker King Granted to users who win a community poker tournament. ### Meme Lord Posting really good Mero memes on Discord, Telegram, or Twitter could grant you this role. Creating Mero emojis and stickers may also grant you this role. # Contributor Roles In order to acquire the **contributor role** one must first acquire one of the following roles. Learn more about becoming a Mero contributor [here](https://hackmd.io/@merofinance/contributors). ### Strategist Anyone can submit a Mero yield-farming strategy. Community members who have their submitted strategy implemented collect a percent of the strategy performance fee. If you have a general idea for a strategy and would like to discuss reach out on Discord. For well formulated strategies, make a proposal on the Mero Discourse (TBA). ### Dev Make a contribution to the Mero [GitHub repo](https://github.com/merofinance). In addition to this, individuals can contribute on the development side by submitting integrations that require development skills (e.g. Zapper) and providing support to the Mero dev team. ### Mod Help keep discourse within the Mero community productive by moderating discussions within the Mero Discord and Telegram chat. This includes removing spam, supporting users by answering questions, and keeping them engaged with product focused discussions. ### Educator Contribute to Mero by creating and sharing educational content. This includes, blog posts, videos, graphics, threads, or anything else that helps educate people on Mero! If you have created documentation on Mero, share it with us on Discord. ### Spreadsheet monkey Mero sheets are a collection of community submitted recipes that explore the possibilities of the Mero protocol as a financial instrument. Anyone can submit a recipe and become a coveted spreadsheet monkey. Learn more about Mero sheets [here](https://hackmd.io/@merofinance/merosheets). ### Translator Help bring Mero to everyone around the world by providing a translation of the Mero website or other Mero related content. If this is something you are interested in, please get in touch with us on Discord. # Other roles ### Mero Intern Granted to Mero interns. ### Core Members of the Mero core team.