# Phosphor NFT Developer Guide Get up to speed quickly working on the Consensys "Best Phosphor NFT App" at ETH Denver. This bounty requires use of the Phosphor REST APIs help you manage your entire NFT lifecycle. These resources below include a blog post, video, integration demo in a real application, a snippets site that you can clone from Github and links to important references and docs. #### Blog Posts: * Phosphor: A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started - --https://paragraph.xyz/@phosphor/developer-guide-phosphor #### Video: #### Phosphor Snippets: https://github.com/Consensys/snippets (github) https://snippets-gules.vercel.app/ (website) #### Hardhat Phosphor Plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hardhat-phosphor This Hardhat plugin makes it easy to deploy smart contracts to phosphor via hardhat. #### Phosphor Docs: https://docs.consensys-nft.com/ #### API Reference Docs: https://docs.consensys-nft.com/reference