# 6 Suits - Sieve - Comp. Practice ## Practice Games | ID | # | Score | Turns in Hypo | OtherScores | | ------ | - | ----- | ------- | ----------- | | [610565](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#1) | 3 | 0 | 60 |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s65 | | [610549](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610549#1) | 3 | 27 | 69 |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s64 | | [609666](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/609666#1) | 3 | 0 | 64 |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s63 | | [609647](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/609647#1) | 3 | 30 | 64 |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s61 | | Aug 27 | | | | | [612692](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/612692#1) | 3 | 0 | |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s66 | | [612720](https://hanab.live/shared-replay/612720#1) | 3 | 30 | 70 |https://hanab.live/seed/p3v1s67 | ## Agreed Conventional meanings 1. At first turn save with rank clue with 3 or 4 when a play clue is available, means that the player should mark the new chop as kt, usually is a dup card we want to get discarded. * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#2 * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/609666#1 2. Color Stalls https://hackmd.io/@sjdrodge/S1pRVuxsu#Color-Stalls In stalling situations outside of the first turn (8 clues, locked hand, etc.), off-chop color clues give permission to discard chop, off-chop rank clues have their usual save interpretation. * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#23 - Proposal: If Alice is in a stalling situation and Cathy holds an unclued playable, Alice must give a clue to the Cathy if she wants to stall (not necessarily touching the playable). If Alice instead gives a clue to Bob, he will know to treat it as a play clue. - The same applies if Bob holds the playable and Cathy is clued. 3. Finesse - Ejection - Discharge - Charm - Blast When the pushed card is one away, it's a finesse. When the pushed card is two away, it's a ejection. When the pushed card is trash, it's a discharge When the pushed card is three away, it's a charm. When the pushed card is four away, it's a blast. When there are not enough finesse positions to satisfy the clue, pretend the card is closer to playable than it is. * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610549#1 Yellow to mel would get r1 played 4. When someone is loaded, save clues don't make sense so a number clue is a play clue on the touched card, signaling either a bluff, finesse or play clue, and it can be delayed through players own hand. - Alternative: Loaded number clues are pushes instead of direct plays * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610549#13 slot 1 can be r5 5. Unnecessary trash moves? Unnecessary pushes? Unnecessary direct play clues? * None 7. Left-to-right discard order 8. Right-to-left prompt 9. Discard modulation * When Alice has a playable and she knows that if she plays someone else on the team (Bob) will be able to play the connecting card, she can discard to signal that she wants Bob to discard. * For example: * Alice has a known red 1 and a known trash. Cathy has a known red 2. Cathy does not have any playables or known trash. If Alice plays, it means Cathy has a useful card on chop. If Alice discards known trash, it means Cathy has trash on chop. * rygb1 are played. Alice has a purple or teal 1 and a known trash. Cathy has a known teal 2. Alice may choose to discard known trash to make sure that Cathy does not play teal 2 and give Cathy known trash on chop * rygbp1 are played. Alice has a known teal 1 and a known red 2. Cathy has an unknown 2. If Alice plays red 2, it means Cathy should discard. If Alice plays teal 1, Cathy can play. 10. Misplay Chop * Misplaying chop promises a single playable on slot 1 and is usually the best way to get a playable near the end of the game. * If a misplay chop is available and chop is discarded instead, it promises two playables (shallow discard) * Misplay chop does not apply after there has been any confusion in the previous round ## Open to discussion 1. https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#34 how can I unlock myself using Timo's b3? 2. https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#37 Is 5 to Lel a Stall clue because is Color Stalls Stephen writes that the rank clues keep their original meaning? So blue to Lel works as a stall I guess 3. At the end game are we turning off referential because we don’t need the efficiency anymore? https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#54 like teal to mel 4. Which is the unnecessary clue that gets two cards and which is the normal play clue for 1 card? * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/610565#65 which clue makes timo's slot 1 play and lel's y5 * https://hanab.live/shared-replay/609647#58 5. Define the order of cards played when a layered finesse occurs. Atm we start from slot 1 and then we play slot 5