Week 10 Update 10.1

This was another week of intense coding in my repository https://github.com/mdvillagra/poseidon-benchmarks. I am not listing all the commits because there were a lot of them.

I managed to integrate several important instantions of Poseidon into my repository which includes:

  1. Lambdaworks,
  2. Neptune,
  3. Dusk-network, and
  4. Risc0.

Right now I am almost ready to start executing the benchmarks. All these implementations are running fine and I already was able to run some preliminary benchmarks with them.

I am planning to add another instantiation from cryptoexperts which is written in C. I have a problem here, which is about executing a C function from Rust. I am planning to solve this issue during Week 11, and then I can run a full benchmark.