Week 12 Update 12.1

This week I got prelimanry results on the benchmarks of the Poseidon hash function. These results can be accessed here:

These benchmarks can be reproduced by forking and running cargo bench on this repository.

The following steps for Week 13 are the following.

  1. The comparisons executed in the preliminary results shown above are unfair. For example, Poseidon with the babybear field only requires 32 bits for each field element while for the scalar field of BLS12-381 each element requires 256 bits. I will be preparing new figures that account for that disparity.
  2. Prepare benchmarks for different widths of the sponge function.
  3. Add memory requirements using the crate dhat.

After finishing these steps, all benchmark results will be included in the repository of the project. After that, and up until the end of the program, I will start documenting everything in the form of an academic paper.