4DVarNet for space-time interpolation: ongoing developments
1.The 4DVarNet algorithm
Let denotes the partial and potentially noisy observational dataset corresponding to subdomain , denotes the gappy part of the field and index refers to time . Using a data assimilation state space formulation, we aim at estimating the hidden space from the observations .
1.1 The variational model
Considering a variational data assimilation scheme, the state analysis is obtained by solving the minimization problem: where the variational cost function is generally the sum of an observation term and a regularization term involving an operator which is typically a dynamical prior: with the observation operator and are predefined or learnable scalar weights. This formulation of functional directly relates to strong constraint 4D-Var.
For inverse problems with time-related processes, the minimization of functional usually involves iterative gradient-based algorithms and in particular request to consider the adjoint method in classic model-based variational data assimilation schemes where operator identifies to a deterministic model : In our case, we are interested in purely data-driven operator : we consider NN-based Gibbs-Energy (GENN) representations, a way of embedding Markovian priors in CNN which proves to be efficient on SSH altimetric datasets. This enables to use deep learning automatic differentiation tools: the computation of this gradient operator given the architecture of operator can be seen as a composition of operators involving tensors, convolutions and activation functions.
1.2 Trainable solver architecture
The proposed end-to-end architecture consists in embedding an iterative gradient-based solver based on the considered variational representation. As inputs, we consider an observation , the associated observation domain and some initialization . Let us denote by this iterative update operator. Following meta-learning schemes, a residual LSTM-based representation of operator is considered here where the iterative update of the solver is given by: with is the LSTM output using as input gradient , while and denotes the internal states of the LSTM, is a normalization scalar and a linear or convolutional mapping.
Let note that a CNN architecture could also be used instead of the LSTM representation of and that when replacing both the LSTM cell by the identity operator and the minimization function by its single regularization term , the gradient-based solver simply leads to a parameter-free fixed-point version of the algorithm.
1.3 End-to-end joint learning scheme
Overall, let denote by the output of the end-to-end learning scheme given architectures for both NN-based operators and , see Figure below, the initialization of state and the observations on domain .
Then, the joint learning of operators is stated as the minimization of a reconstruction cost: In case of supervised learning, where targets are gap-free: , i.e. the L2-norm of the difference between state and reconstruction with an additional term related to the gradient of state . In case of unsupervised learning, given the observations on domain and hidden state , the 4DVar cost function may be used with weights and to adapt according to the reliability of the observations.
2.The Dataset
The 4DVarNet algorithm has been successfully tested on small datasets, typically sequences of spatio-temporal images with sizes 11x200x200 (NtxNyxNx).
2.1 Location
In this Hackathon, the main objective is to make it work efficiently on a larger dataset, available at:
The SSH Ground Truth NATL60-CJM165_NATL_ssh_y2013.1y.nc:
ssh (Sea surface Height) One year long daily datasets provided by the NATL60 state-of-the-art oceanic simulation
The SST complementary Ground Truth NATL60-CJM165_NATL_sst_y2013.1y.nc:
sst (Sea surface Temperature): sst may be used for complementary tests to improve the ssh spatio-temporal interpolation
2.2.2 Pseudo-observations
The pseudo-observations dataset is generated by sampling the SSH Ground Truth with realistic satellite trajectories dataset_nadir_0d_swot.nc :
mask : mask (1 -> ocean, 0 -> land)
lag : time deviation (in hour) to the selected day
flag : satellite type (0 -> NADIR, 1 -> SWOT)
ssh_obs: data with additional realistic noise
ssh_mod: data without noise (=model)
2.2.3 Optimal interpolation (OI)
the state-of-the-art optimal interpolation (OI) dataset based on the previous pseudo-observations. This is the baseline the 4DVarNet algorithm aims at improving ssh_NATL60_swot_4nadir.nc:
ssh_obs: OI using ssh_obs in the pseudo-observations dataset
ssh_mod: OI using ssh_mod in the pseudo-observations dataset
Let note that the OI are currently involved when applying the 4DVarNet algorithm on the anomaly between the raw ssh and the OI (denoted here as and seen as a large scale component of the SSH). This solution is for now the one giving the best results. The OI is also used as additional input channels in the 4DVarNet algorithm and thus can be seen as an extra covariate that helps to localize the areas wth large anomalies.
3 Code available on Github
Here is the repo GitHub with a simplified version of our code: 4DVarNet and some explanations regarding its architecture architecture of the code
Key components of the code:
4DvarNet pytorch Lightning module
Multi-GPU/multi-node distribution using pytorch lightning
Possible on-the-fly batch generation from raw files
5 Actions under development
Color code to specify the status the following tasks: Done In progress To do As you can see, there are still plenty of things to do :)
5.1 R&T CNES 2021
5.1.1 OSSE NATL60
Finalize the experiments (xp1, 2 and 3), produce the appropriate set of scores, check we won the cup ;) and prepare the products (NetCDF+Notebooks) related to the OSSE Boost-SWOT data challenge: DC link(Mohamed)
Amélioration des aspects strides pour l'apprentissage sur la zone GF "étendue", afin d'éviter les effets de bords (Quentin)
Debuggage de la branche 4DVarNet-core: -> (1) repartir de la branche de Quentin pour un premier test GF->GF (en forçant à 0 les loss d'apprentissage sur la calibration SWOT). -> (2) modifier/simplifier le code de quentin pour revenir au pb d'interpolation uniquement (ie, pas de calibration conjointe). Vérifier que les résultats sont similaires à la 1ère expérience -> (3) ajouter dans ce code l'aspect état augmenté. Vérifier que cette config permet de faire aussi bien voire mieux que les résultats 4dvarnet actuels sur le repo boost-swot. (Hugo)
Mid-october: Based on the Boost-SWOT data challenge, create a new repo for the "OSSE NATL data challenge", with the three areas, GF, OSMOSIS and NATL
Based on the plan provided by Maxime in Section 5.5.1, start the redaction of R&T Report (see Overleaf link for the successful scaling up of 4DVarNet(Maxime)
5.1.2 OSSE Glorys
(Ronan & Maxime)Think about the experiments we want to run at global scale with Glorys (resolution at 1/12°)
prepare a data challenge
prepare meeting with CLS
Run the OSSE(Benjamin)
5.2.1 OSE
Run the comparison based on the c2 along-track datasets, cf BOOST-SWOT data challenge(Maxime)
5.2.1 Multi-tracer/multi-sensor synergies
4DVarNet-SLA-SST based on NATL60 datasets on the whole North Atlantic basin (Hugo?)
5.1.1 SWOT calibration
SWOT robustness to noise signals(Quentin)
5.3 On-going developments:
Pull requests
Clean the PR of the Github repo (Maxime and Quentin)
Get GAN-based code (Anis) and make a PR(Hugo & Ronan)
Get new iterative approach (Duong) and make a PR(Quentin)
Implement test method on multi-GPU (Hugo)
Improve animation (Hugo)
Technical issues
Improve the gestion of complex domains and the extraction at the center of the patch(Maxime and Quentin)
Add along-track nadir gradients
Test sur le domaine complet(Hugo)
Discuss hydra/lightning (Quentin & Benjamin)
5.4 Publications
Quentin: calibration paper (submitted)
Maxime: SPDE (inprep)
5.5 Livrables
5.5.1 R&T CNES 2021
L1.1 Réplication des résultats OSSE obtenus sur la zone GULFSTREAM à partir des données nadir+SWOT à l’échelle du bassin Atlantique Nord
L1.2 Réplication des résultats OSSE obtenus sur la zone GULFSTREAM à partir des données nadir seules à l’échelle du bassin Atlantique Nord
L1.3 Synthèse des OSSE utilisant une formulation variationnelle pour la reconstruction de champs altimétriques à l’échelle du bassin Atlantique Nord
L2.1 Spécifications des OSE pour le passage à l’échelle
L2.2 Synthèse des OSE utilisant une formulation variationnelle pour la reconstruction de champs altimétriques à l’échelle du bassin Atlantique Nord
L2.3 Plan d’action pour la suite des activités liées au portage des applications SLANet à la thématique DUACS, notamment en termes de développements complémentaires en vue d’un portage opérationnel.
WP3 New Neural Networks approaches for SL mapping R. Fablet, M. Beauchamp, Q. Febvre, M Ballarotta, A. Pascual
WP 3.1 Development of a benchmarking framework for learning-based SL mapping using real satellite altimeter datasets
WP 3.2 Development and evaluation of end-to-end learning frameworks for the SL mapping
WP 3.3 Learning-based SL mapping using multi-tracer/multi-sensor synergies