aks clusters with kubenet. aks clusters with azure cni legacy with calico. pdb protect set drain timeout. Tasks: Bring up new cluster deploy sample apps protect them with pdb. Mark cluster for upgrade. carefully migrate apps over to new node pool by adjusting pdb. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/44997 az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --wait az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration --wait az extension add --name k8s-extension az k8s-extension update -c <cluster-name> -t managedClusters -g <resource-group> -n cilium --configuration-settings namespace=kube-system hubble.enabled=true az k8s-extension update -c <cluster-name> -t managedClusters -g <resource-group> -n cilium --configuration-settings hubble.relay.enabled=true If you would like to use an ARM template, then please add these values into your ARM template "properties": { "autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true, "configurationProtectedSettings": {}, "configurationSettings": { "namespace": "kube-system", "hubble.enabled": true, "hubble.relay.enabled": true, [9:16 AM] Duffie (Guest) https://isovalent.com/blog/post/cilium-azure-arm-templates#h-values-yaml-file [9:16 AM] Duffie (Guest) is a way to pass a values file to the deployed cilium config [9:37 AM] Neha Aggarwal Cilium on AKS in Azure Marketplace - Isovalent Cilium on AKS in Azure Marketplace - Isovalent In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to deploy Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on your AKS cluster in Azure Marketplace. [9:39 AM] Neha Aggarwal Have another hard conflict, need to drop off. Feel free to drop a question on chat if you need me. https://isovalent.com/blog/post/cilim-azure-marketplace/ https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/isovalentinc1662143158090.isovalent-cilium-enterprise?tab=Overview