# Matplotlib Documentation Working Group A regular sync meeting to discuss documentation Everyone is welcome to contribute to conversations. https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/j/83834096272?pwd=NU9zU0pJV0lXd1ZCNEVLN1RVc0poUT09#success --- # 9/6/2024 - Jerome is primarily drafting questions - has 9, potentially maintainers suggest 10th - scales will be broken down into descriptive/context , so 1 has shared meaning etc - working on the descriptions for answers - Tammy is primarily on the justification - helpful: one to five, temperature gauge, how do you feel about the docs? sentiment - value: short response, when do you use the docs? -> helping folks, building something, studying, sharing, etc, other: open response, substance - [ ] [name=hannah] follow up w/ scientific Python about plausible downloads ## next stops - once survey is approved, figure out distribution channels - social media: - linked in - ask projects/numfocus to share out - reddit - banner on webpage - other social media: insta/ticktok/bluesky/X (mastodon?) - possibly pydata nyc ## List of questions and available responses 1. How often do you use the Matplotlib documentation? Scale of 1-5 1. How helpful has the Matplotlib documentation been for your tasks? Scale of 1-5 1. What is the value of Matplotlib documentation for your tasks? Selection: summary options 1. What resources do you use to supplement your experience with Matplotlib documentation? Rank choice responses 1. What would you like to see change in Matplotlib’s documentation? Table response 1. What is your background for using Matplotlib? Selection: expertise and use case contexts 1. When you arrive at your intended documentation page for Matplotlib, how likely are you to go to another page? Scale of 1-5 1. How would you organize the importance of the following documentation categories for Matplotlib? Rank choice responses 1. Thank you for completing the survey! Any additional feedback is welcome! Short response, open 1. Open to suggestions # 8/23/2024 - deciding how to make public/scope of involvement - design study - what do folks get out of our docs/API, what do they want out of the docs/API - https://dscout.com/people-nerds/how-to-design-a-ux-research-survey - move from describing the audience to audience expectations/reasoning For next meeting: - questions + justifications for questions - broader study goals # 8/9/2024 _attending_: @story645, @melissawm , @Tgmiller5, @jeromefv ### Notes - access to analytics: https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/28696 - new user survey - Jerome and Tammy will discuss old survey - construction/design/roll-out/engagement/etc. # 7/26/2024 - Tammy - My name is Tammy and I am a software tester. My interest is working with data analytics in which I have experience from my past two jobs.