This document is a collaboratively edited RFC to design the end-game API for writing IDE analysis of the Rust programming language. The immediate goal is to use the API in rust-analyzer. The lodestar is to make this API stable and publicly available, to let others build on top of it.
Zulip discusion thread:
We want to build an API for programs written in the Rust programming language. The primary use of the API is getting semantic information about Rust programms. Crucially, this is an API for consumers of the analysis. Intrernally, compiler will use a different set of data structures to perform type inference and such.
block to the corresponding trait
is one-step
(but fidelity requires that original path, designating the trait, is also available, and that each component of that path can be resolved).fake
ident to repair the syntax tree and ask about the type of fake
to better sort suggestions;
to check if the result type-checks.EDIT: the below is probably won't work, it seems that we want to separate layers:
The code is generally tree shaped, so the idea is to make the tree shaped API work.
That means that each entity in the API will have (conteptually) .parent()
and .children
The root of of the tree is a crate, all crates form a DAG.
The single child of a crate is it's root module.
Module contains all the items defined within the module.
Items like function or const contain bodies, which are a tree of expresisons, etc.
The leaves of the tree are tokens.
So, it is possible to get a reference to a particular ident token, and then get the type, resolve, lifetimes out of it, etc.
Macro calls will will have both the original argument and an expansion as children. Let's see a small example
macro_rules! m {
($i:expr) => { $i.abs() }
fn main() {
let x = m!(-92);
Here, we'll have a MacroCall
node for the m!(-92);
It will have .arg()
property, returning (-92)
token tree, as well as .expansion()
property, returning (-92).abs()
Correlating -92
from the call-site with the -92
from the expansion is a surprisingly hard problem, with no precise solution.
Rust macro expansion model has no notion of token identity – we can't say that a source token get turned into an expanded token.
Rather, some source and expanded tokens happen to share identical source spans (but potentailly different hygiene info).
For this reason, only TextRange
based API is available.
Expansion can map an .arg
text range to a set of ranges in .expansion()
Each token has a source_span
method, returning the orignal source location.
For attributes, the annotated item will have an .expansion()
async fn main() {
Here, the async main
will have .expansion()
pointing to the, well, expansion.
Note the "Context Passing" unresovled question below!
//* Elemets *//
/// All there is!
struct Universe;
/// Source file as written by user.
struct SourceFile;
/// `SourceFile`, which is a part of a specific `Crate`
/// via `mod ;` or `include!()`. Aliased `SourceFile`s
/// create distinct `CrateFile`s.
struct PhysicalFile; // NQ: MountedFile?
/// Either a physical `PhysicalFile` or a macro expansion.
/// Contains tokens rather than strings?
struct LogicalFile; // NQ: TokenFile?
struct Crate;
struct Module;
enum ModuleKind {
Root {
file: ModuleFile
File {
decl: ModuleDecl,
file: ModuleFile,
Inline {
body: ModuleBody,
struct ModuleFile {
file: PhysicalFile,
struct Token;
//* Utility Types *//
struct CrateDep { krate: Crate, name: String }
/// Strongly-typed (u32, u32).
type TextRange = text_size::TextRange ;
/// Location in the source code written by the user.
/// Corresponds to `lo, hi` bit of `SpanData` from `rustc`.
struct SourceLocation { file: SourceFile, text_range: TextRange }
struct PhysicalLocation { file: PhysicalFile, text_range: TextRange }
struct LogicalLocation { file: LogicalFile, text_range: TextRange }
//* API *//
impl Universe {
fn crates(self) -> Vec<Crate>
/// For a given source location, the list of
/// `PhysycalLocation`s it can be viewed as.
/// For `#[test]` and other conditional compilation situations,
/// this will return PLs for both versions of the crate
/// (with and without `--cfg test`). It's up to the caller to
/// figure out that one of them is not interesting (expands to void).
/// Invariant:
/// result.all(|pl| {
/// pl.file.source_file() == sl.file
/// && pl.text_range = sl.text_range
/// })
/// Q?: should this group by crate? HashMap<Crate, Vec<PhysicalLocation>>
/// alternatively, just sort by crate?
fn source_to_physical_loc(self, sl: SourceLocation) -> Vec<PhysicalLocation>
impl Crate {
fn deps(self) -> Vec<CrateDep>
fn rev_deps(self) -> Vec<CrateDep>
fn root_module(self) -> Module;
/// For a given source locatin anchored to a crate,
/// the list of logical locations it expands to.
/// Q: If PL corresponds to cfg-ed out code, should
/// this return an empty Vec?
/// Precondition:
/// pl.file.crate() == self
/// Invariant:
/// Q: logical location doesn't neccessary correspond
/// to a physical location: physical locations are
/// properties of the whole tokens. How do we express
/// the neccessary constraint here?
fn physical_to_logical_loc(self, pl: PhysicalLocation) -> Vec<LogicalLocation>
/// Finds the token for the corresponding logical location
/// Invariant: logical location belongs to this crate
fn find_token(self, ll: LogicalLocation) -> Option<Token>
fn find_element<E: Element>(self, ll: LogicalLocation) -> Option<E>
impl Module {
fn physical_file(self) -> PhysicalFile
impl PhysicalFile {
fn crate(self) -> Crate;
/// `SourceFile` corresponding to this `CrateFile`.
/// Q: should this return an Option<>?
/// Can we manufacture a file out of thin air?
fn source_file(self) -> SourceFile;
impl Token {
/// Source-location bits of rustc's `.span()`.
fn physical_location(self) -> PhysicalLocation;
/// Position of the token in a specific macro expansion.
fn logical_location(self) -> LogicalLocation;
is a decidedly bad name here. Better versions:
for semanticsfir
for front-end IR, homage to Kotlinrst
for rs treeContex Passing
Should nodes contain an Rc/& to global ctx? Should we thread arguments?
Consider the following field declaration: field: module::Thing<String>,
If this is let f: hir::Field
, then f.ty()
can reasonably mean three things:
corresponding which module::Thing
resolves toTy { ctor: hir::Struct, subst: [String] }
typeAll APIs are useful, should they be split into syntax/symbols/ty layers or kept in one?
Deep/shallow expansion
Should intermediate macro expansion steps be visible in the API?
If yes, should .expansion()
be deep or shallow by default?
Eager macro expansion?
Find usages can't be implemented precisely without eagarly expanding all macros. So perhaps that our model should be that all macros are expanded eagerly, even those inside function calls? This is more of an implementation qustion. We also typically don't look for usages in libs, so being lazy&correct might be possible?