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The update from Week 6

Q&A from Ethereum research blog

We have disseminated our research findings and results within the Ethereum research community by publishing them on Ethereum Research. After sharing our research and findings on Ethereum Research, we actively gathered valuable insights and feedback from the comments and discussions generated by the community. In this comprehensive compilation, we have meticulously cataloged all the questions raised and thoughtfully presented our meticulously crafted solutions to each of them. The details can be found as follows:

  1. Q: Is there a reason why the ciphertext C_2 C2C_2 is publicly shared?
    A: Good question. it is not necessary to publicly share the C_2 from the algorithm and computation point of view. But to allow any party to be able to calculate the homomorphois addition of C_1 and C_2 reduces the computation cost on Bob client’s side.

  2. Q: This is very interesting! I have a few questions:

    • A dumb question as I’m not an expert on cryptography. Does it require FHE? As I see, it only needs additive homomorphism during encryption/decryption?
    • You mentioned the SA can be reused though in step 2 Alice would generate a new key pair for each SA transaction. Can you elaborate more on the SA reuse part? Does reuse mean reusing the same key pair for different SA transactions?

    A: Thanks for asking these two interesting questions.

    • Yes, you are right. This scheme only requires the additive homomorphism, however, we build this under FHE scheme such as BGV, BFV.
    • Bob’s key pairs can be reused (same key pairs), whereas Alice generates new key pairs for different SA transactions each time.
  3. Q: Thanks for sharing! I think PK_b here refers to PK_2.
    A: Thanks for your feedback and you are correct. We have modified accordingly.

  4. Q: Can you provide me with some resources to go through performance testing?
    A: Here are some listed resources that might be helpful for your code.

    • For wallet generation and smart contract creation, please consult Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 5564: EIP 5564 Documentation.
    • To learn more about the Paillier package, please refer to its documentation available here: Python Paillier Documentation.
    • For the implementation of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), you can find the relevant code on this GitHub repository: Zama AI - Concrete GitHub.