PMS craving is associated with women experiencing intense food cravings just before the menstrual cycle begins.
If you crave chocolaty treats, baked goods, or snack something spicy before the onset of your periods you are not alone. These all are just the symptoms of a syndrome known as premenstrual syndrome.
However, the syndrome is quite normal in women under which they face symptoms that tend to recur in a predictable pattern.
In the initial three-four day of the onset of your menstrual cycle, the symptoms are more likely to develop in women.
Here the blog deals with all the factors that you need to know about pre-menstrual syndrome and the craving you mostly face during that period.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common condition that affects women in the days and weeks leading up to their period.
It may be triggered by a variety of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, stress, genetics, and lifestyle choices.
Mostly it happens just before 3-4 days of the onset of periods, women crave carbohydrate-rich food and sugar.
These foods may not be healthy for you but satiate the cravings at that time. While many women experience mild symptoms of PMS, it can be more severe for some, affecting in quality of life.
Wanna know how to stop period cravings naturally? Here are some of the basic lifestyle changes you can make to stop or lessen the cravings for the period without any side effects.
Certain lifestyle changes and your diet intake can help reduce Pre-Menstrual cravings. Here are the top 5 different ways that can help silence your food cravings.
As you progress through your menstrual cycle, it is important to pay attention to what you are consuming.
Eating carbohydrates is not off the menu, however, you should opt for complex carbs such as whole grains, legumes, and fruits and vegetables.
These complex carbohydrates not only provide energy but also contain higher levels of fiber and essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Eating complex carbohydrates can help with PMS symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, and mood swings by providing essential nutrients that can help combat these symptoms.
Water is one of the most important elements for survival and during periods it helps in calming the cravings.
It is essential to ensure that a sufficient amount of water consumption on regular basis keeps you away from bloating.
Not only does drinking enough water help reduce bloating, but it also helps to prevent dehydration and provide essential minerals and vitamins to the body.
Additionally, water helps to flush out toxins and other impurities that can cause harm to the body.
Consuming smaller meals throughout the day can help control PMS cravings.
Eating in this way helps reduce the stress associated with hormonal imbalances, as well as helps the body process sugar more effectively.
Not only does eating smaller meals help to ensure that the body gets the nutrients it needs, but it also helps one to maintain a healthy weight.
Furthermore, multiple meals a day help to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing uncomfortable spikes and drops in energy.
Consuming healthy, balanced meals throughout the day is one of the best ways to help reduce PMS cravings.
Also, consider adding supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin D, and ashwagandha to your day, to support the gut, brain, and hormones to reduce PMS cravings.
Incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet will also help to ensure that your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs.
Eating more healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil can also help you feel more satisfied with fewer cravings.
While the effects of sunshine on physical and mental health are well known to us, recent research suggests that sunshine may also help to reduce PMS cravings.
People who are exposed to sunlight for longer periods of time have reported fewer symptoms associated with PMS, including cravings.
In addition to this, in the presence of sunlight, your body is exposed to vitamin D, which decreases levels of depression, and contributes to controlling PMS cravings.
Vitamin D also helps to regulate hormones and reduces inflammation, both of which can contribute to decreased PMS symptoms.
These ways effectively help in silencing the cravings during the pre-menstrual syndrome.
Now let us discuss the foods that help reduce premenstrual syndrome symptoms. There are common period cravings that one should know to keep normal.
Now that we have known the basic lifestyle changes you can make to lessen PMS now read further to know about the best foods for PMS cravings, and also ways to reduce the cravings.
Some food tends to be familiar that most women crave while their PMS cycle. A few of them here mentioned which you may also crave.
Chocolates are beneficial that most women consume while PMSing. There are several reasons for having this as a good food craving.
It is an antioxidant that is helpful in eliminating inflammation.
Secondly, it helps with cognitive functions. The presence of magnesium in the chocolate help to relax muscles and also eases the cramps.
Women also experience cravings for salty food while PMSing. Any food that tastes salty and spicy such as chips and other snacks satiates the craving during PMS.
There are also chances that before the onset of the period, one may feel more dehydrated and feel thirsty as a result. This also results in a craving for salt during the PMS.
Adding orange juice during the PMS is very helpful for health overall. As orange juice contains citric acid and calcium, which helps in improving overall health.
Calcium is present in other food as well such as yogurt cheese and bread. Consuming this food is helpful during the craving and is also one of the common cravings during PMS.
These foods are most likely to help you in minimizing the cravings for sugary foods. Also, try to include dark chocolate instead of milk, it helps in reducing menstrual cramps too.
PMS is accompanied by several health issues that suggest fatigue depression cravings mood swings.
So, to help fight all these, the addition of calcium, Vitamin B6, magnesium, Omega 3, and other mentioned food supplements are required to reduce the PMS issue.
On those days of heavy cramps and when you cannot get out of bed and the only thing you want to crave is sugar, you must snack on healthy ones.
We hope this blog will help you know to eat right during your PMS cravings to ease out the difficult days.