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Oracles v1.6 Upgrade Guide - Step 1

Disclaimer: These instructions are made for Ubuntu 20.04. The commands may not match 100% on other distros, nor is there any guarantee that it will work.


Oracles-v2 v1.6 introduces two new software components, gofer and spire, which will improve the robustness of Maker Oracles, as well as set the stage for future growth.


Gofer is a service that continuously polls the data sources and provide aggregated data to omnia. gofer duplicates the functionality of setzer and will become the primary data source for omnia. Omnia reverts to setzer when gofer fails.

gofer caches the API responses, which will greatly reduce the quantity of API requests and will allow omnia to cycle much more quickly through the expanding list of asset pairs.

For more information about gofer:

By default, gofer is enabled after installing v1.16. Omnia will query the price information from gofer and falls to setzer on errors.


Spire is a new P2P network to transport signed price messages from feeds to relayers. Based on libp2p, developed for ipfs and now used by Ethereum 2.0, filecoin and Polkadot, spire will allow an easier and more open access to the oracle network.

Both Scuttlebut and Spire will now be used to broadcast signed messages, and relayers will pick the most recent message from either transport. This will add redundancy on a critical element of the network.

By default, spire is turned off and will remain disabled for now. We'll instruct you to activate it at a later date, once we've established that gofer doesn't introduce undesirable effects.

For more information about spire:


Take a backup of your existing configuration.
cp /etc/omnia.conf ~/omnia-15.conf


Install Omnia and Dependencies
nix-env --install --verbose --file

Configure Gofer, Scuttlebot and Omnia

install-omnia feed --ssb-caps ~/caps.json --ssb-external <your external ip here>

Configure Gofer Config File

install-omnia will have copied the gofer configuration file to /etc/gofer.json

This file defines the data models, and under normal circunstances you shouldn't need to play with that file, except to set some API-specific (called 'origins' in gofer) configs.

sudo vim /etc/gofer.json

In rpc, set the address to to an arbitrary port:

  "rpc": {
    "address": ""

In origins, set the API_KEY for openexchangerates as below:

  "origins": {
    "openexchangerates": {
      "type": "openexchangerates",
      "name": "openexchangerates",
      "params": {
        "apiKey": "41d14458c27c46c1a5c91a92ab5959dc"

Set Scuttlebot, Omnia and Gofer as systemd services and schedule to run on system boot

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable gofer-agent.service
sudo systemctl enable ssb-server.service
sudo systemctl enable omnia.service

Start gofer for the first time

sudo systemctl start gofer-agent

Restart omnia and ssb to run the latest versions

sudo systemctl restart ssb-server
sudo systemctl restart omnia

[fyi] To stop running Omnia, Gofer and Scuttlebot

sudo systemctl stop ssb-server
sudo systemctl stop omnia
sudo systemctl stop gofer-agent

[fyi] To stop Omnia and Scuttlebot from starting on system boot

sudo systemctl disable --now ssb-server
sudo systemctl disable --now omnia
sudo systemctl disable --now gofer-agent

[fyi] To query gofer and confirm that the agent works

gofer prices MANA/USD --config /etc/gofer.json --format=trace

This should return an aggregated price, and the trace for its calculations. Then you can check the agent logs (sudo journalctl -feu gofer-agent) and confirm that there are no errors in the agent logs either.

Final steps

Check Status of Omnia and Scuttlebot

sudo systemctl status ssb-server
sudo systemctl status omnia
sudo systemctl status gofer-agent

Check Scuttlebot logs
sudo journalctl --follow --unit ssb-server

Check Omnia logs
sudo journalctl --follow --unit omnia

Here, we want to make sure that omnia is publishing messages to Scuttlebot (e.g. Publishing SOLUSD price message with transport-ssb) and that it is obtaining the data from gofer (e.g. Querying AAVE/USD prices and calculating median with setzer...). It is normal for omnia to use setzer to query prices when gofer-agent was just started, as it will take 1 or 2 minutes to the agent to fetch the initial state.

Check Gofer logs
sudo journalctl --follow --unit gofer-agent
There shouldn't be any errors in the gofer logs.

Verify that ssb-server is running on ports 8007 and 8988.
If these ports are not correct, your Feed will not function correctly!
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep ssb-serve


Let @marcandu on Keybase know that you completed the upgrade, so they can confirm that your feed is properly broadcasting messages.