Disclaimer: These instructions are made for Ubuntu 20.04. The commands may not match 100% on other distros, nor is there any guarantee that it will work.
This procedure activates Teleport attestation, a major new feature that will allow Dai users to perform fast withdrawals from L2 chains to Ethereum L1. To learn more about Teleport and how the Maker Oracles are used to enable it:
These instructions are for those running 1.10 and 1.11
L2 node
Starting from this release, feeds require access to Optimism and Arbitrum RPC nodes. Running L2 nodes is currently relatively challenging (requires more attention, frequent upgrades, growing hardware requirements), so for now we do not require that feeds run their own node and may instead use a mix of third-party nodes. To protect against compromised or malicious providers, we will use the same "RPC Splitter" mechanism that is already in used for some price sources.
Even if not required, we encourage you to run your own L2 nodes to use them as your single sources, as these provide additional safety guarantees. This remains the prefered solution and we'll eventually work with you to run individual nodes as usage for Teleport grows. You can find setup instructions for L2 nodes in this guide.
Some suggestions for third-party nodes:
Optional: cleanup nix storage
This might free up several gigabytes of storage.
Delete the existing leeloo.conf file
rm /etc/leeloo.conf
Upgrade Omnia and Dependencies to version 1.12
nix-env --install --verbose --file https://github.com/chronicleprotocol/oracles/tarball/v1.12.0
Configure Gofer, Spire, Scuttlebot and Omnia
install-omnia feed --ssb-caps ~/caps.json --ssb-external <your external ip here> --eth-rpc <https://node1[:port]/path> --eth-rpc <https://node2[:port]/path> --eth-rpc <https://node3[:port]/path>
check /etc/systemd/system/splitter-agent.service
for your current list of rpc nodes
Restart the existing services
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart splitter-agent.service
sudo systemctl restart gofer-agent
sudo systemctl restart spire-agent
sudo systemctl restart ssb-server
sudo systemctl restart omnia
Prepare Leeloo config
Edit file /etc/leeloo.conf
"ethereum": {
"from": "",
"keystore": "",
"password": ""
with your keystore information, identical from /etc/omnia.conf
"rpc": []
. e.g.:"teleportEVM": [
"label": "optimism mainnet teleport gateways",
"ethereum": {
"rpc": [
"label": "arbitrum mainnet teleport gateways",
"ethereum": {
"rpc": [
Enable and start Leeloo:
sudo systemctl enable leeloo-agent.service
sudo systemctl start leeloo-agent.service
Check that leeloo is functionnal
Confirm that the agent started and is not printing errors. Logs should be mostly silent.
journalctl --follow --pager-end --unit=leeloo-agent
Check Status of the other services
sudo systemctl status ssb-server
sudo systemctl status omnia
sudo systemctl status gofer-agent
sudo systemctl status spire-agent
Recommended: cleanup temporary ssb files
Your /tmp
directory may contain hundreds of thousands of uncessary files that may be safely removed
find /tmp -name "multiserver*" -delete
Let @master_chief on Keybase know that you completed the upgrade, so they can confirm that your feed is properly broadcasting both price and attestation messages.