Disclaimer: These instructions are made for Ubuntu 20.04. The commands may not match 100% on other distros, nor is there any guarantee that it will work.
These instructions are for those running 1.10.x
Optional: cleanup nix storage
This might free up several gigabytes of storage.
Upgrade Omnia and Dependencies to version 1.11.3
nix-env --install --verbose --file https://github.com/chronicleprotocol/oracles/tarball/stable
Configure Gofer, Spire, Scuttlebot and Omnia
install-omnia feed --ssb-caps ~/caps.json --ssb-external <your external ip here> --eth-rpc <https://node1[:port]/path> --eth-rpc <https://node2[:port]/path> --eth-rpc <https://node3[:port]/path>
check /etc/systemd/system/splitter-agent.service
for your current list of rpc nodes
Omnia config change
If applicable, in file /etc/omnia.conf
, change:
"transports": [
"transports": [
Restart services
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart splitter-agent.service
sudo systemctl restart gofer-agent
sudo systemctl restart spire-agent
sudo systemctl restart ssb-server
sudo systemctl restart omnia
note: restarting spire-agent can take a few minutes
Check that gofer is functionnal
gofer -c /etc/gofer.conf prices WSTETH/USD --format=trace
note: if you get the error not enough sources to calculate median
, wait two minutes and try again
Check Status of Omnia and Scuttlebot
sudo systemctl status ssb-server
sudo systemctl status omnia
sudo systemctl status gofer-agent
sudo systemctl status spire-agent
Recommended: cleanup temporary ssb files
Your /tmp
directory may contain hundreds of thousands of uncessary files that may be safely removed
find /tmp -name "multiserver*" -delete
Let @marcandu on Keybase know that you completed the upgrade, so they can confirm that your feed is properly broadcasting messages on both Spire and Scuttlebot.