ORP Conda Install == These are install instructions for the new version of the ORP, that leverage conda, and include TransABySS. ## Remove old install ``` cd $HOME/Oyster_River_Protocol git pull make clean cd .. rm -fr $HOME/Oyster_River_Protocol ``` Delete stuff from `~/.profile` and `~/.bash_profile` that are related to old install 1. Install. ``` git clone https://github.com/macmanes-lab/Oyster_River_Protocol.git cd Oyster_River_Protocol make source ~/.profile ``` 2. change the `config.ini`. You should just have to change the user path info. ``` nano software/config.ini ``` 3. Launch the conda environment ``` source $HOME/Oyster_River_Protocol/software/anaconda/install/bin/activate orp_v2 ``` 4. Run test dataset (you might have to change the path to `oyster.mk` depending on where you installed this new version) ``` cd sampledata $HOME/Oyster_River_Protocol/oyster.mk main STRAND=RF \ MEM=15 \ CPU=8 \ READ1=test.1.fq.gz \ READ2=test.2.fq.gz \ RUNOUT=test ```