Unearthing the evolutionary relationships between organisms can be a daunting task. But with some powerful tools, this can be done effeciently. In this tutorial, we will learn how to align protein sequences, construct a phylogenetic tree, and create stunning visualizations with minimal effort. ## Gathering the Toolbox First things first, we need to install the right tools: - Python with BioPython: We assume you have Python. Add BioPython using pip (`pip install biopython`). - [MAFFT](https://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/software/): A speedster for multiple sequence alignment. - [FastTree](http://www.microbesonline.org/fasttree/): Your ally to build approximate maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees. - [iTOL](https://itol.embl.de/): A web-based tool for crafting captivating phylogenetic tree visualizations. No installation required! Ensure MAFFT and FastTree are accessible in your system's PATH. **Conda is highly recommended.** ## Fast Alignment with MAFFT Here's a compact Python script for alignment with MAFFT: ```python from Bio.Align.Applications import MafftCommandline # Input and output files input_file = 'sequences.fasta' alignment_file = 'aligned_sequences.fasta' # Align sequences using MAFFT with 4 threads mafft_cline = MafftCommandline(input=input_file) mafft_cline.thread = 4 stdout, stderr = mafft_cline() with open(alignment_file, "w") as handle: handle.write(stdout) ``` ## Building Trees with FastTree FastTree, known for its speed, can handle large datasets and quickly builds approximate maximum-likelihood trees. However, for smaller datasets, full maximum-likelihood programs might offer more accuracy. Here's how to use FastTree in Python: ```python import subprocess # Output file for the tree tree_file = 'phylogenetic_tree.newick' # Build the tree using FastTree cmd = ["FastTree", alignment_file] with open(tree_file, "w") as outfile: subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=outfile) ``` Or in your terminal ```bash= FastTree aligned_sequences.fasta > phylogenetic_tree.newick ``` ## Bringing Trees to Life with iTOL Once we've constructed our tree, it's time to visualize it with iTOL. Just upload your Newick file and start crafting your phylogenetic masterpiece! ## The Wrap-up We've seen how to perform fast and efficient phylogenetic analysis with Python, MAFFT, FastTree, and iTOL. Each tool has its strengths and limitations, but together they create a formidable toolbox for bioinformatics.