# How to Not Be a Burden in WvW Hello GW2 Reddit! I hope everyone is having a great day :) My name is Roy, I sometimes stream GW2, and I have been playing WvW pretty actively for a long time, as well as gotten pretty involved with both the EU and NA communities. I wanted to make this post to talk about the large influx of players to WvW we're sure to see this coming Tuesday. A balance patch is coming as is mentioned (more info here). We look forward to having you all in WvW to get your mounts… Here are a few of things you can and should do that will make your experience, even short lived, a lot better: 1. **Fix Your Build** * Meta builds, and more, can be found [here](https://www.vabbi.eu/). * **The build you are playing matters. A lot.** It matters because playing a good build will not only make you do better as a support or dps player, but it will also benefit the people around you more, as opposed to you playing something that doesn't really contribute. * I should mention that of course, after the patch on Tuesday, there's a very high chance that some of these builds will no longer be meta, but I imagine that a lot of people will still be playing these builds until they can be updated once theory crafting has finished. 2. **Get on Comms** * Join the commander on Discord or TS (I don't think anyone uses anything besides those 2) and listen to their commands. * You don't need a microphone, communicating yourself can be helpful, but its not always necessary. The important thing is to be able to listen. * A lot of commanders are going to be willing to explain things to new players, and its much much easier to do that in voice. Fights also won't seem nearly as confusing if you can hear commands. * A huge part of the real WvW experience, the reason that I personally fell in love with the game mode, is the people. The community is what makes it so much fun, and you lose out on nearly all of that if you don't get on comms with other players. * **You can do this before Tuesday:** Jump onto your servers TS/Discord, get verified - most servers' TS/Discords require you to verify yourself with an API - get into a map, join a squad. Figure out what your doing before the rush. :D * Links to some of the server voice comms can be found below. 3. **Ignore the Trolls** * There are going to be those loudmouthed people flaming in team chat, and saying that all these new PvErs are ruining their game mode. Ignore them, they're idiots. * We want, we need new players in WvW. Please please please do not get turned off of the game mode by a couple of salty people who don't matter to the grand scheme of things. * On the flip side I would strongly urge all Veteran and experienced WvW players to, first of all **not flame new players** and second of all to offer help when needed and when asked for. Its our job to usher in new players. That about wraps it up for this post. Again I just want to say that I hope to see some new people in WvW after the coming week, who want to try playing the game mode a bit more after they get their mount skin, and welcome to all the players who haven't experienced WvW before. There are going to be a lot of queues on every server on Tuesday so bring a book maybe ;) If anyone has any questions now, feel free to post in the comments, I'll try and answer anything you might want to ask. I also will probably be streaming at least a couple times between now and Tuesday, so if you want to come by the stream and ask you can do that too! (Yes this is a selfish promotion) Also if people could please post TS/Discord links for their servers in the comments that I don't already have here that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! <3